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You guys are gonna hate me after this, like for realsies.

"Mikey! Lukey learned a-apha-aphabet!" Luke squealed, running up to a tired-looking Michael and crashing into his chest. "Wow, that's great Lukey! I'm so proud of you!" Michael praised, kissing the top of Luke's head and then shutting the door behind him. "Where's Calum?" Michael asked, "Cal in live room." Luke answered, grasping Michael's shirt. "Alright, c'mere you." Michael laughed, picking Luke up as Luke wrapped his legs around Michael's waist.

"Hey Cal, how was Luke today?" Michael asked as he carried Luke into the room. "He was great, Mike! He learned the whole freaking alphabet, wrote it down and everything!" Calum said, holding up the notebook that he was checking. "I knew you could do it, kitten." Michael cooed, sitting down next to Calum with Luke on his lap.

Luke curled himself in Michael's lap, smiling into Michael's neck as Calum showed Michael everything Luke had accomplished that day. "Look at this, we were reading and he just copied it all down. His writing is as perfect as a computer. He doesn't know how to spell or write in sentences but in this rate, he will pretty soon." Calum said, handing the notebook to Michael.

"Wow, he does write perfectly!" Michael said, tracing the words Luke has written with his thumb."Well, I have to go. Ash is planning something for me. Lukey, I'll see you on Friday, okay?" Calum said as he started to keep his belongings into his satchel.

"No." Luke said, catching the attention of both Michael and Calum. "What do you mean, no?" Michael asked, gently, pulling Luke away from his neck just so he could look at him in the eyes. "Calum no call Lukey, Lukey. Only Mikey calls Lukey, Lukey." Luke stated, cuddling back into Michael's neck with a cute devilish smirk settled on his face.

Calum chuckled, "Okay okay. I'll see you on Friday, okay Luke?" Luke then nodded into Michael's neck, giggling shamelessly as he tightened his grip around Michael's neck. "Alright, see ya then, Calum." Michael chuckled, nuzzling his nose onto Luke's hair. "Bye!" Calum said rushing out the door and gently closing it behind him.

Luke was extremely tired after a long day of learning and playing with Calum, his eyes were dropping and his hot breath on Michael's neck was making Michael shudder. "Mikey?" Luke whispered, "Yes Luke?" Michael asked quietly, stroking Luke's hair. "Lukey sleepy." he mumbled, cuddling deeper into Michael.

Luke felt Michael's chest vibrate as Michael chuckled softly, then Michael stood up to carry Luke to their bedroom. "Are you not hungry? Have you eaten already?" Michael asked the sleepy blonde. Luke nodded and cuddled into the sheets of their bed. "Goodnight then, Lukey." Michael murmured, crawling into bed beside Luke, after he stripped himself and Luke to their boxers, and pulled him into his chest.

- - -

"What do you mean you can't tell me about your past?" Michael asked, his eyebrows scrunched together in frustration. Michael and Luke were laying down on the bed, wide awake and Michael had to go to work soon but he stayed just for Luke. "Lukey tell, Mikey hurt." Luke repeated, he has been saying this ever since Michael asked him about his past.

The morning has been quite strange actually. First, Michael woke up to a sore back and Luke woke up in fits of tears because of his nightmare which he can't remember. Second, Luke has been far out in his own mind, not showing his cute little smiles and purrs. And third, Michael didn't know what to do and he usually knew what to do.

"Luke, I don't get it. Why don't you want to tell me? I'm not going to get hurt, why don't you trust me?" Michael whispered his reply angrily, rolling to his other side so he doesn't have to face Luke. "M-Mikey?" Luke said shakily, peering up to see Michael's bare back faced to him. Michael didn't reply and Luke wanted to cry.

"L-Lukey sorry." Luke trembled, cudding against Michael's back. Michael sighed, rolling back over to face Luke. "Luke, I care so much about you and I want to protect you. I also want to get to know more of you, and I can't if you don't open up to me." Michael said, wrapping his arms around the silently crying hybrid. And I love you so much. Michael thought, closing his eyes and pressing his face onto Luke's hair.

"Lukey sorry." Luke whispered, sniffling as he gripped onto Michael's shoulder, never wanting to let go.

- - -

"How'd your lessons with Cally go? Did you have fun?" Ashton asked as Luke quietly munched onto his vegemite toast. He nodded, avoiding eye contact completely. "Luke, what's wrong? You've been awfully quiet this morning." Ashton said, glancing at the sad hyrbid. "Mikey anggie Lukey." Luke whispered. Michael has shown almost no emotion this morning, and left without any words or cuddles or kisses to Luke.

"Why? He loves you." Ashton said, silenty praying that Michael didn't do anything stupid. "Lukey not sure any-anymore." Luke murmured, wiping his eyes with the hem of his sweater. "He does, Luke! I told you that you get hurt when you're in love and you're currently in that stage! Besides, love can't be always full of sunshines." Ashton said, his optimistic side getting the best of him.

"Lukey loves Mikey lot." Luke sniffled, giving Ash a small smile. "You're so adorable Luke. Do you wanna go visit Michael?" Ashton asked, and Luke nodded immediately, making Ashton chuckle. "There's a small coffee store inside that video rental store and sometimes Michael takes a shift there. And oh my god there's brownies and cakes and cookies! YOU HAVE TO TRY THEIR COOKIES!" Ashton exclaimed dramatically, causing Luke to crack a full smile.

"Okay, fieldtrip!" Ashton clapped his hands, standing up and walking to the door. "C'mere Luke, wear one of Michael's jackets. I'm sure he won't mind." Ashton said, already holding up one of Michael's soft and fuzzy jackets. Ashton wrapped the jacket around Luke before wrapping himself with his own, then they both walked out into the snowy weather.


Well that just happened.

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