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Very cute comic above to make you guys coo in cuteness because this chapter is anything but cute.

"M-Mikey?" the little hybrid whimpered, his kitten ears twitching on top of his head. He slowly walked through the endless dull hallway, passing by doors and every single one of them was locked. Luke whimpered as the hallway seemed to go on forever, and older looking doors came to a view. Rusty hinges and worn out wood used for the material for the doors.

His small hands wrapped around the last door handle at the very end of the hall, slowly turning it clockwise and his breath picked up when he heard a click. It's open. The door creaked open and Luke peeped inside, stalking inside the room and made sure to keep his footsteps light in order not to create too much noise.

The hybrid wandered around in the bleak room which was lighted up faintly by a fluorescent lamp located at the far out corner. His tail flicked behind him, bending down to reach the soft tufts of the dirty white carpet before jolting up because,

There's blood on the carpet.

"So I see you've come around again." Luke turned his head towards the voice, his heart dropping to his stomach as he stared at the man who made his life a living hell. He felt his hands ball up as he growled, "W-Where Mikey?!" Charles quirked an eyebrow, not used to the little hybrid speaking up to him.

"Easy there, tiger, wouldn't want to get feisty with me when I still have your precious Michael on captive." Charles smirked as Luke's tail and ears dropped, leaving him trembling at the thought of his boyfriend being tortured just like how he was tortured. "L-let Mikey go, t-take Lukey ins-instead." he breathed, his eyes starting to water at the memories flashing before his eyes of what he used to go through before Michael came in his life.

Charles chuckled lowly as he strode towards Luke, cupping the hybrid's face with one of his hand and smiled at the way the boy shuddered at his touch. "Or maybe I could keep you both, since you two can't do anything about it anyway." Luke looked at Charles, his eyes swirling with fear as he tried to move away but the older man gripped his face harder, leaning closer to the boy and his breath fanned over Luke's lips,

"You can never escape from me."

Luke's eyes snapped open, Noah cuddled in his arms looking up at him worriedly. "Lukey? Are you okay?" he asked, the hybrid looking at him and pulled him closer for a hug. "L-Luca, Mikey in s-so m-much troubles." Luke whimpered, Lucas looked at him from the front mirror of the car and started to drive faster.

"Don't worry Luke, Michael will be okay when we get to him." Calum reassured the black haired hybrid, patting his shoulder before throwing a look that says 'convince him that Michael is okay' at Ashton who was on the other side of Luke. "We have the files that Charles needs for his plan to work, he can't do anything really bad to Michael without them. It'll be all okay, Luke, Michael will be okay." Ashton patted the boy's knee, Luke nodding and cuddling Noah closer to his chest.

Mikey, please be okay. Luke thought, his kitten ears trembling as he thought about the things that Charles might've already done to him. Please be okay.

- - -

Pain. That's all the poor dyed haired boy could feel.

Pain oozing through his skin and his face, although he knew that the psychotic man didn't inject anything in him yet.

Michael squinted his swollen eyes open, cringing at the bright source of light shone on his face and licking his lips, only to taste the metallic flavour of his own blood seeping from his lips. He looked around and struggled against the hold of the chains of the torture bed he was laying on, feeling slightly hopeless in the chances of escaping.

"Ah, I see your awake." Michael weakly turned his head to look at the owner of the voice, his blood boiling in anger as he looked at him. "You fucktard! If you dare lay a finger on Luke or any of my friends I'm going to fucking end you." he yelled, struggling against the heavy, rusty, old chains and growled at Charles.

Charles chuckled at him, "You look so cute trying to escape the chains, Michael dear, and I laid more than a finger on Luke." he smirked when Michael growled more and his wrists started to burn by how much he was struggling. "When I get out of here I swear to fucking hell I'm going to rip that goddamn smirk off of your face you dickhead!" the pale boy glowered.

The other boy, who wasn't in the chains, rolled his eyes. "Please do shut up, Michael, I have to listen to the video cameras because I know your boyfriend and all your other little friends are on their way here right now." he said and Michael only made more noise, causing Charles to let out an angry huff and punch Michael square in the jaw, making the pale boy unconscious once again.

"I swear to god, it gets harder and harder to get some peace and quiet around here." Charles muttered to himself, rolling his eyes once again and kept his attention to the video cameras.

It didn't take long for Lucas's car to arrive at the building, Charles feeling his chest tighten because the one and only person he trusts turned his back against him and he swore he'll make Lucas pay for this.

So he grabbed 2 injections and tucked them safely in his pocket. One for Michael and one for Lucas's boyfriend, he'll just kill the others.

- originally planned on cutting it off here but I love you guys and I made you guys wait for too long so -

"So this building has a lot of floors and a lot of rooms, it'll be better if we split up in order to not only get to Michael faster but also for us to not be a bigger target." Lucas ordered. Ashton immediately grabbed Noah's hand and Calum went to Luke. "Remember to always be cautious and do not make a sound."

The groups of pairs carefully made their way inside the old building, holding each other tightly and splitting up to go round up different parts of the place. Luke tugged on Calum's arm, knowing exactly where he's going because he's been in here for most of his life and he memorised every step there is.

When Luke pushed open a very familiar looking door, his mouth was agape as he saw his boyfriend on the torture table. His eyes were both swollen from being punched and he had bruised marks all over his body, being only in his boxers, there were cuts and burns all over Michael's body and Luke can't help but feel a flame burn inside him.

Luke's eyes held anger and he couldn't help himself, his claws started to come out and his sharp kitten teeth grew as he growled and clenched his fingers.

"I wouldn't be so feisty if I were you." a voice spoke from the door behind them, Calum and Luke turning back to see a smirking Charles. "You!" Luke roared, Calum holding him back so he wouldn't attack the man.

Charles laughed and grinned, "You should really take a breather before you do something you might regret, Luke, kitten." he said in a tone, a teasing tone that made Luke angrier and made him want to claw his face until he was bleeding.

"I wouldn't want to attack me if I were you because I have your other friends in the mercy of my hands." Charles laughed and stepped aside, for Luke and Calum to see Ashton and Noah all tied up and thrown onto the floor.

"See what I mean?" the psychotic guy smiled widely, revealing his pearly whites as he raised his knife and traced his finger across the blade, "Now tell me, which one should I kill first?"



and it's Halloween so that doesn't help.

But guuuys, the next chapter and the chapter after that will be exciting :--) and although this book will be over very soon, I will always always love you guys with all of my little ol' heart.

Because all of you are my little ones and I love all of you xx

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