
475 3 0

Ship: None

Type: Halloween

Requested By: Me

Plot: Meialine is bored around the dorm room so she decides to have some mother-son time with Artemis and go to the mall.

A/N: Meialine is my OC for MHO

Narrator POV:

It is now fall at Monarch Academy which meant Halloween was coming around. Every dorm was prepared for the spooky holiday. In dorm 8, Artemis and Meialine are chilling in their dorms. Artemis was standing on the balcony watching the leaves on the trees fall off and turn autumn colors. Meialine, however, was laying half off of her twin bed in the small corner of the room. She was bouncing her foot up and down thinking of what to do. Recently, her and Artemis, who she considered her son and vice versa, hadn’t been spending a lot of time as usual and especially since Halloween was right around the corner.

She had been thinking for a bit and remembered that Blake likes this cafe in the mall that serves coffee and boba and other foods. She sat up and opened the drawer in her nightstand. She pulled out her small calendar and looked at the following week, nothing was planned until tuesday so she had enough time to hang out with him. She put the small calendar away and shifted to look out her window, Artemis was still there. She got off of her bed and headed out onto the balcony.

She walked up to Artemis and stood there. “ Hey, Arte.” She said softly. He jumped a little before looking at her. “ Oh hey, mom.”

“ Hi, Arte,” She said, hugging from the side.

“ Whatcha doing?”

“ Just enjoying the scenery.”

“ That’s cool. Hey, are you busy later?”

“ No, Shino’s busy training and Rikku is busy spending time with her boyfriend,” He said, winking at her.

“ Ooh, spill the tea.” Meialine said sitting on the railing. Artemis leaned against the railing. “ Last night, I was getting a drink and I went down to Rikku’s room to ask her if she wanted a drink and I caught them both cuddling on her bed, asleep,” He said, speaking in a hushed voice. Meialine squealed. “ You should’ve gotten a picture!”

Artemis smirked, “ I did,” He said, pulling out a polaroid of them both snuggling on Rikku’s bed. “ Awww! They’re so cute- Oh, I love her outfit,” She said pointing at Rikku’s outfit.

“ I know, right? I was thinking about making an outfit similar to it. Obviously not the same but similar.”

“ Yeah, that’d be cute.”

“ Yeah...anyways, did you want to do something?”

“ Hm? Oh right, right, right. Um, I wanted to go to the mall with you later. Blake told me about this nice place in the mall that serves drinks and food and I thought maybe we could buy more clothes while we’re there.”

“ Well, I would love to go with you to get food but I think I have enough clothes already.” Artemis said, wincing. “ Enough clothes? What do you mean enough- ” Meialine jumped off the railing and walked into the room, Artemis followed her confused. She walked over to the closet and opened the doors. “ You call this enough clothes?!” She pointed to the four pairs of clothes on hangers. “ This is only four, FOUR pairs of clothes.”

“ Well five if you count my school clothes,” He said pointing at his school clothes on a hanger sitting on the right side of the closet. She sighed in annoyance. “ Still not enough! You need at least ten pairs of clothes so you don’t end up wearing the same thing everyday, like some people,” She said, looking him up and down. “ What do you mean? You do the same!” He exclaimed.

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