Sick Days

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Ship: Yuuto x Kiyo

Type: Sick fic|Short fic

Requested By: Me

Plot: [a/n: this is not when he got sick and lost his quirk. It’s like a cold.] Yuuto gets a cold and Kiyo spends the whole day taking care of him.

a/n: I was also writing this sick fic while I had a stuffy nose and felt like dying. How ironic.


Yuuto POV:

I blew into the tissue and sniffed. Lately, I’ve been feeling very sick. I had been getting constant headaches and a sore throat. I’ve been sick for a couple days and refused to leave my room. Thank god we’re on a break or else I’d been in super trouble with school.

I didn’t tell Kiyo or Sapphire because I didn’t want to worry them and I also didn’t want to be a burden.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I just wish this pain would go away. I rubbed my eyes hoping to ease my incoming headache. I coughed and felt a pain in the back of my throat. I groaned. I hate this…

Kiyo POV:

As I walked past Yuuto’s room, I heard sudden coughing. I stopped and walked back to his door. I stood there for a couple of minutes. The whole time, I heard coughing and sneezing and groaning. Was Yuuto sick? Why hasn’t he said anything?

I slowly opened Yuuto’s door and peeked inside. I saw small tissues scattered on the floor, two empty tissue boxes and an empty glass of water on his nightstand.


He began to panic at the sound of my voice but then groaned and put his hand to his head and laid back in his bed. “Are you alright, Yuuto?”

“Yes…I’m fine.”

His voice sounded strained.

“Are you sure? Your room says otherwise,” I said, as I looked around his room.


“No, it’s fine,” I said as I walked over to his bed. I kneeled down and looked at him.

“Are you sure you’re good, Yuuto?”

He sniffed and hummed in response. I mentally scoffed. I put the back of my hand to his forehead. He tried to push my hand away but looked too weak to do it.

As I placed my hand on his forehead, his forehead felt very warm. I started to feel very worried. I pulled my hand away and looked at him. “I don’t think you’re okay, your forehead is very hot.”

He frowned and looked away from me. “Why didn't you say anything?”

“I-...I didn’t want you guys to worry about me. I also didn’t want to be a burden.”

“Yuuto, you’re not a burden. But you’re being a burden if you don’t tell us things like this.”


“Don’t…don’t worry about it…”

We stared at each other for a while before he coughed somewhat aggressively into his arm. My heart sank. “Here, I’mma go make some soup.”

“You-you don’t have to..”

“Trust me…I do.”

I walked out of the room before he could protest. I walked down the stairs and headed into the living room. Sapphire wasn’t in the dorm today because she was hanging out with her roommates.

I walked over to the kitchen and pulled out some pots and filled the pot with water.

Time skip: 15 minutes…

I poured the soup into a bowl and carefully brought the bowl upstairs. I pushed open the door with my shoulder and walked inside his room. He was sniffling and groaning.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. He sniffed and slowly sat up. I began to feed him the soup.

After a couple of minutes, the bowl was half empty. I set the bowl aside on his nightstand as he laid back in bed. I got up from the bed and started picking up the tissues and placing them into the wastebasket. After I cleaned the room a little, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands.

I walked back into his room and saw him turning in bed. I sighed and walked over to him.

I sat down on the ground next to his bed. I pulled the covers up to his neck and started stroking his hair.

He sniffed again. “Shhh…get some sleep, Yuuto.”

“I can’t…my head hurts too much.”

I thought for a second. “If…if I sing to you, will it help?”

He slowly nodded. I sighed. “Alright.”

(why does the vocals in this cover sound like this is how Kiyo would sing? Just listen to it, trust me.)

Kiyo POV:

I looked over at Yuuto and saw him fast asleep. I smiled and pushed his hair away from his face. I gently kissed his forehead. “Good night, Yuuto. Hope you feel well.”

I decided to stay by Yuuto’s side for the night. As I was falling asleep, I whispered to him, “I love you, Yuuto.”

I closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

Yuuto POV:

I smiled. "Mmm...I love you too, Kiyo."

Word count: 834

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