The Outfit

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Ship: Artemis x Shino


Requested by: XDazaiSimpX

Plot: Artemis is working his shift at the Cafe when Blake, Jack, and Shino. All of them order their food and drinks when Shino finally sees Artemis’s outfit and he has a bi panic attack.

Artemis POV:

I finished cleaning up the rest of the dishes before heading to the back and rinsing them. Suddenly, I heard a bell go off at the front of the shop. I wiped my hands off on my apron even though I was already wearing gloves. I walked out of the back room and stopped when I saw Blake, Jack, and Shino walk into the cafe. I rushed over to the counter.

“Artemis! Hi, I didn’t know you worked here.” Blake said as she walked up to the counter.

I chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I’ve been working here for a while. What would you guys like to order?”

“Um, I’d like to order an iced grande whole milk cinnamon dolce latte.”

a/n: I’ve never ordered coffee before at a coffee place so I wouldn’t know how she would want to order her coffee.

“-and I like a chocolate chip muffin to go with it.” I scribble down her order on my notepad.

“Okay, and what would you like, Jack?”

“Um, I want a decaf coffee. Oh! Can you also put whipped cream on top?”

“Whipped cream?” Blake questioned.

“Yeah. Why?”

“Nothing, it’s just weird. I mean, who puts whipped cream on their coffee?”

“A lot of people do. It’s super good.”

“Well, you might as well just get hot chocolate.”

Shino rolled his eyes at both of them. “I’d like a cappuccino and vanilla ice cream.”

Blake and Jack looked at him in disgust.

“So basic…”

“I can’t believe you…” Jack added on. Shino looked at both of them in shock.

“What? What’s so wrong with vanilla ice cream?”

“It’s so bland and basic,” Blake responded.

“Fine then! I’ll get a piece of the caramel cake.”

“Okay, is that it for you all?”

They all nodded.

“Okay, we take credit or cash but if you also want, you can scan your phone here.”

In order, they all scanned their phones. They all sat down at the table in the back. I went into the back and started making their dishes.

Shino POV:

I looked through the to-do list I made on my phone to see what I had to do later on today.

( :) I make that joke bc in the series, you usually hear him mutter, “Gotta add that to my to-do list…” XD)

After a couple of minutes, I hear some kind of clicking as it gets closer to us. “Okay guys, here’s your stuff.”

I see from the corner of my eye as Artemis puts down our drinks and dishes. I put my phone back into my pocket and look up at Artemis. “Thank you, Art-”

As I look up, I finally get to see his whole outfit. My eyes glanced from his shoes to his face as I scanned his outfit. He wore a short, black dress with a white corset, a white apron, his regular black gloves, and a purple bow. His shoes are white and black too.

I can feel my cheeks heat up as Artemis looks at me with a confused look on his face as he tilts his head. “Shino? Are you okay?”

I feel my nose heat up and something run down my nose. Artemis’s face turns into panic. “Oh my god, Shino! Your nose is bleeding!”

I snap out of my daze and touch my nose. I pull my hand back and see a small spot of blood on my fingers. “I’m gonna get you a napkin.”

Artemis rushes off into the back room to get a napkin. I hold my fingers to my nose. I’m so glad no one else was in the cafe other than us. I look over at Jack and Blake sitting across from me with smirks on both of their faces. “What?” I asked, my voice a bit pitched with me holding my nose. Jack smirked and looked away. “I didn’t say anything,” He says, taking a sip of his decaf.

Eventually, Artemis comes back with a napkin. “Here,” He says, handing me the napkin.

“Thank you, Artemis.”

“Are you alright, Shino?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. It was probably just a random nose bleed.”

“Yeah. “Random”,” Blake said, sarcastically. I glared at her.

“Okay, well, let me know if you need anything,” Artemis said, walking back into the kitchen.

“Bi panic, much?”

I glare back at Blake. She chuckles. “You’re so in love with him.”

I go to protest but decide not to since she’s right. “You know I’m right.”

“Oh, shut up,” I say, my voice still a bit pitched. The both of them laugh.

Eventually, all of us finish our drinks and food. Blake and Jack head back to their dorms and I stay behind. I look back and see Artemis cleaning one of the tables in the middle. He was now wearing his regular outfit.

I slip my hands into my pocket and walk over to the table.

Artemis looks up at me. "Oh hey, Shino."

"Hey, Arty."

"Did you need something? I was just cleaning up."

"Uh, no. I...I just wanted to say you looked good in the maid outfit."

"Oh, thanks. It's our uniform."

"Well, you certainly looked good."

A small bit of red spread on his cheeks as he looks away.

"T-thanks…" He stutters as he goes back to wiping the table. I slowly lean over the table and place my hand on top of his. His hand stops moving and he instantly looks up.

I smile at him. He smiles back.

I lean over the table. His smile fades.

He freezes as I lean closer. I stop for a moment looking at his face. I lean forward and connect our lips together. He jumps a little but then eases into it. I cup his cheek with my free hand. His lips felt so warm.

We both stand there, leaning over the table for another 5 minutes.

Word Count: 1026

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