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Ship: Rikku x Shizu

Type: Fluff

Requested by: No one

Plot: Rikku is chilling in the dorms when Shizu comes over for a surprise visit and wants to hang out.

Rikku POV:

I sat on the couch in the living room of the dorms, watching one of my favorite anime's. I had a half-eaten plate of mozzarella sticks on the coffee table in front of me. I was so caught up in my show, at first, I didn't hear the doorbell ring until the second time. My head glanced over at the door. " Coming!" I yelled. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and paused the show. I got off the couch and dusted off my skirt. I made my way over to the door and twisted the doorknob, I pulled open the door and saw Shizu standing there. " Oh! Shizu, what are you doing here?"

" Um, I...everyone left the dorms and I was bored so I thought, ' Oh! Why not visit the best girlfriend in the world?' " He said with a nervous smile. I felt my cheeks heat up. I squealed and buried my face in my palms. " I'm not the best girlfriend in the world..." I muttered. I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

" Yes, you are..." He said, burying his face in my neck.

" No..." I said in a child-ish voice.

" I would have to disagree." I giggled. He pulled away from me and kissed my forehead.

" Can we hang out if that's okay with you?" He asked, putting his forehead against mine. I nodded my head. " Come on, I have mozzarella sticks if you want some." I grab his hand and lead him towards the couch. " Sure dear," He says while walking with me. We walk over to the couch and he glances over at the tv. " What are you watching?" He asked.

" Oh, I was just catching up on some episodes from one of my favorite anime's, it's called My Hero Academia."

" Cool," He says sitting down. I sat down next to him. I cuddled up against him, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me close. " Do you wanna watch something else?" I looked up towards him. He shook his head, " I'm fine with whatever you wanna watch, dear."

" Okay!" I grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and unpaused the show. For the rest of the night, we cuddled and watched the next few episodes of the show.

Shizu's POV:

After another episode ended, I looked over at Rikku. She was fast asleep, head leaning against my shoulder. I chuckled.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the staircase. I saw the shadow of Shino enter into view. He walked to the cupboards and grabbed a glass of water. He turned over to me and squealed in fright, dropping his glass in the process. Instinctively, I used my gravity to levitate the cup, preventing it from hitting the ground and shattering.

Shino put his hand over his heart and leaned over the counter. " Jesus, Shizu! You scared me. What are you-"

" Sshh!" I nodded towards Rikku. He started whispering, " Oh, sorry. What are you doing here, Shizu?"

" Well, everyone left to go do stuff so I was bored and decided to visit Rikku and hang out," I said, whispering back. " When did you get here?" He says, walking over to the couch, still whispering.

" I got here earlier this noon."

" Oh, Artemis and I didn't hear you."

" Artemis?" I raise my eyebrow at him. His cheeks give a small tint of pink and he nervously rubs his neck. " Y..yeah, me and Artemis were cuddling earlier."

" Aww.."

" Be quiet, you." He says, with his cheeks growing more red. Rikku groaned beside me, we both looked towards her. She scooted closer to me. A strand of her got in her face, I pushed the strand of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. " Why don't you take her to her room?" Shino suggested.

" Yeah, I might as well. I'm getting tired too." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and tucked my arm underneath her leg and picked her up bridal style. " Here, I'll show you to her room." Shino walked off towards the stairs. I followed close behind.

We both walked down the stairs. I was going slower to make sure I wouldn't drop Rikku. We both made our way over to Rikku's room and he opened the door for me. I mouthed 'thank you' to him. He nodded and went back over to his room.

I walked inside Rikku's room. I looked around at her room, a bunch of anime posters were on the walls with a small cabinet with clothes on the side of the room next to her bed. She had a tv on the wall next to me on my right. I walked over to the bed and placed her onto the covers. I pulled the covers out from underneath her and placed them on top of her. I lean down and push more hair off her face and softly kiss her forehead.

I stand back up and begin to walk towards the door. Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into the bed. I turn around and see Rikku resting their hands on my shoulders and softly snoring. A small blush creeps onto my face as I can feel their breath on my face. I slowly wrap my arms around their waist and pull them closer. I rest my head on the crook of their neck, " Goodnight, my love."

3rd POV:

The next morning, Rikku and Shizu both arrive at the classroom a little later than usual from sleeping in. Avian looks over at the both of them. " Good morning, you two. Glad you could make it to class."

Rikku rubs her eye and yawns. " Good morning to you too, Mr. Avian." Shizu says with a big grin on his face. Avian looks down at their hands and smirks, he looks back up and addresses the two. " So if you two are done holding hands, you can go ahead and sit down." They look at him confused and look down at their hands.

A big blush appears on their face and they both let go. Some of the students giggle as they both make their way to their seats. As they sit down, Shizu looks over at Rikku and winks. Rikku squeals as her face becomes more red and buries her head into her desk. Shizu giggles and pays attention to the lesson.

Word Count: 1099

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