Nostalgic Aromas

184 3 6

Ship: Mario x Willow

Type: Fluff | Small angst

Requested by: Greenflame_13

Plot: While Mario and Willow cook in her dorm's kitchen, Mario finds out Willow can't cook and begins teaching her. While doing so, he begins to tell her stories of when his mother would cook for him--especially the one moment that changed his life and this happens...


3rd POV:

The sweet smell of pancakes filled the air, the aroma of simmering pancake batter wafted through the air, filling the room with a mouthwatering fragrance. It was a cozy evening, and the dimly lit space seemed almost peaceful. Willow had just called Mario over earlier to help her put up some Halloween decorations—even though it was still only September, she was very adamant about getting some decorations up.

She had always loved the fall seasons; the changing of the leaves, the cool weather, the cozy clothing, the delicious foods, and even the holidays excited her. She thought it would be the perfect excuse to spend time with her friends. But the problem with that, was that most of her friends were out of the dorms doing their own things, leaving her all alone. Which she was fine with since they were their own people, but she still felt alone.

Which is when she got the idea of calling Mario over. Thankfully, he was free and was more then willing to come over. While hanging out, Willow realized that Mario had nothing to eat so she decided to make themselves some breakfast foods since it was early in the morning.

As the sun began its ascent on the horizon, casting a gentle, golden hue across the city they resided in. The first rays of the morning light filtered through the windows, painting the room with a soft, warm glow. Mario slid the spatula underneath the yellow-orange round circle in the pan and quickly flipped it over, revealing its perfect golden brown color. Mario smiled in satisfaction as he turned to the pan next to it filled with hash browns.

Meanwhile, Willow on the other hand, was struggling to keep her eggs in the pan and making sure that they were cooking and the stove wasn't off. Again.

Don't question it.

Mario could faintly smell the scent of something burning. He turned over to where Willow was cooking her eggs. He took the spatula from her hands and lifted the eggs on the spatula, revealing the black, burnt bottom. Willow groaned in disappointment as she noticed the burnt mess.

"It's okay, Willow," Mario was quick to reassure. He carried the eggs on the spatula over to the trash can. His foot pressed the small pedal and the lid opened and he dumped the eggs into it.

"Not all of us can get eggs right on the first try."

He turned to her, a teasing smirk displayed on his lips. "That's why I brought a few cartons of eggs."

He glanced away and his smirk was replaced with a look of consideration as he rethought his statement. "Well, that and because I accidentally bought more than I thought I needed."

Willow let out a small laugh as Mario walked over to the stove and stood by her. Mario chuckled in disbelief, his eyebrows raising. "But seriously, how are you able to mess up three servings of eggs? You can cook, right?"

Willow paused, her hand holding the spatula hovering over the pan as she was starting a new batch of eggs. She stayed silent for a beat before clearing her throat.

Mario slowly looked over at her at the sound of her silence. "Willow?" He asked, quizzically.

Willow tittered as she turned away from him. "About that..."

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