Ride Around The City

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Ship: Mario x Willow

Type: Angst|Hurt-to-comfort

Requested by: 

Plot: Mario had spent most of his time at Monarch in his basement, creating technology to help his quirk and become a better hero like his father. But that caused him to become stressed and overwork himself. But thankfully, someone close to him notices and this happens...


3rd POV:

It was finally spring break for the students of Monarch Academy, which meant they had about two weeks to relax and spend time with themselves and their friends. Most students went out and visited their families, some went out with their friends, and some stayed at their dorms.

One student, however like most stayed in his dorm. But he wasn't playing video games or talking to his roommates, he remained in the basement. The noirette moved around his large lab as he grabbed certain tools from his tray that was placed to the side.

A whooshing sound filled the lab as the blowtorch heated the metal on the table below it. The boy pulled the blowtorch away from the metal and released the trigger, placing it next to the piece. He pulled up the mask and his green eyes stared down at the metal below. He gave a slight nod in satisfaction and picked up the metal piece with his gloves and placed it on a cooling rack behind him. He sighed as he removed his welding helmet and tossed it to the side, taking off his gloves and tossing them along with it.

He exhaled in exhaustion and placed his hand on the table, leaning against it. He closed his eyes as he felt a migraine coming along. He groaned as it hit him and he pinched the temple of his nose. He stood there for a few minutes, the migraine slowly developed all around his brain and covered him in a new level of stress.

He left his project there and returned to it in the morning. He mentally cursed himself as he walked away from his workshop table. This is stupid, he thought. I barely got anything done and I already have a migraine.

That was only partially true. He had been working nonstop for most of the break--which was three days so far--and he had spent all of it in his basement workshop. His roommates had continuously come down to get him to eat something but he refused. In his head, this was the only opportunity for him to work. To get better.

He traveled up the stairs. His legs were trembling with each step and the achiness in his legs intensified throughout his legs from standing practically all day. As he reached the top of the stairs, he immediately noticed that no one was there. Usually, one of his roommates would be on the couch, watching a movie or playing on their switch but neither of them was there. He ignored the thought and took that as an opportunity to sit down on the couch.

As he sat down, he let out a shaky breath. He twisted his neck around and heard the muscles pop from pent-up tenseness in his shoulders. He tried his best to rotate his shoulders around but winced in pain as he did. His shoulders were too tense to move so he allowed himself to sit there and melt into the couch.

Not much time seemed to pass for him as he sat there, his eyes closed and his head tilted to the ceiling. A sudden knock at the door interrupted his thinking. He sighed softly as he opened his eyes.

The knocking came again and a soft voice spoke up. "Hello, Mario? I just wanted to talk to you if you're here."

Mario immediately recognized the voice as Willow. His heart raced only slightly. What is she doing here, He asked himself.

The knocking came back but was a bit more persistent. "Mario? Are you there?"

Mario chuckled to himself. Only Willow would be like that; Persistent until she got what she wanted. And what she wanted was an answer and to make sure her friend was okay. He felt bad for not answering but he wasn't ready to speak to anyone yet. It was like his body shut down after--what he didn't think was--intense amounts of work and pressure put on his shoulders. To him, this was his rightful punishment: not being able to talk to any of the people he cared about, even the person knocking at the door.

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