s i x t e e n

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OMG THANKS SO MUCH FOR 9K READS!! Sorry for not updating last weekend. I had four major projects to turn in, but ot they are done and I'm on spring break! Also, thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments! I hope you know that you are the ones I am writing this for. I got quite a few comments on the last chapter saying that you liked it, so here is your next one! I might update seventeen later today or tomorrow too, so look out for that. Now, without further ado, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!

Keep in mind that I was listening to the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' soundtrack. I don't support the idea of the book, but the soundtrack is amazing, so listen to it if you haven't.


"How are we supposed to find this Jefferson?" Joseph asked. I was on the verge of pulling my hair out. "I'm Thinking!" I yelled for the seventy-ninth time in the past hour. "You've been thinking for far too long!" Ryan yelled. (If you get that reference, I love you) "Well, how am I supposed to come up with something when you both are pestering me!?" I asked. They both remained quiet for the next twenty minutes.

How am I supposed to contact Jefferson in here? I asked myself. I huffed in frustration when I couldn't think of anything.

"Well if it isn't little Tinkerbell." a voice said from the bars. I looked up and saw her. "Well if it isn't the Red Queen." I mimicked. She narrowed her eyes at me. "What ever did I do to get a personal visit from you?" I asked. "I haven't seen you in so long." she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. I have been enemies with her for as long as I can remember. She is the last person I want to see. "And you wanted to see me? Why?" I asked. "I want to know why you are here." she said. "I came on accident. I meant to travel to Storybrooke, but that plan fell off course." I said. She looked at me suspiciously as if she were trying to see through any lie I might have told. Which I didn't. "Why should I believe you?" she asked. I shrugged. "You don't have to believe me. I'm just telling you what happened."

She stared at me for moment and turned away. I stood up in my cell to strech. My head spun for a moment, then everything went back to normal. "What's that?" Ryan asked as he pointed to something on the ground. I looked to where he was pointing and saw a magic bean.

A jolt of happiness shot through me when I picked it up. "We can get out of here!" I exclaimed. "You can." Ryan said. I gave him a confused look. "You go to Storybrooke and get whoever ou needed. Then, you get Chelsea and come back for us." Joseph said. I sighed. That was the only way. I knew Ryan wouldn't leave Joseph and vice-versa. I clutched the bean and closed my eyes. I though long and hard about Storybrooke and threw the bean onto the ground, creating the portal. I gave the two boys a respectful not, then I jumped into the pool of green.


I was minding my own buisness. Avoiding Peter. The usual. I never found Wendy. It scared me to think about what could be happening to her on this mysterious island. The thought of that tight cage made me cringe.

Suddenly, I heard Peter's voice a little bit away from where I was. I jumped into a bush and tried to wait for him to pass, but he stopped in the middle of an openeing, looking straight forward. "You know, Chelsea. You can come out from hiding." he said. I rolled my eyes.

Why do I even try?

"I ask myself the same question all the time." He said, obvioulsy listening to my thoughts. Why won't this guy just leave me alone. He is really annoying. "I was thinking a-" "Uh-oh" I interupted. "What?" he asked. "Peter, you were... thinking." I whispered. He looked at me like a confused puppy. Adorable. Stop Chelsea. "That's never a good sign." I told him. "Sign of what?" he asked. "Sanity." I whispered.

"I'm starting to think you lost your's." he mumbled. I giggled and motioned for him to continue. "Again, I was thinking earlier, and I made a desision." I gasped. "You're really losing it, Peter." I said.

You won't believe what happened next. He slightly...slightly...smiled. The smallest of smiles played on his pink, plump, kissabl- woah. Stop it right there Chelsea. What is going on with you today?

I'm talking to myself... great. It's not like I have anyone else.

I have seen him laugh and smile before, but it's very rare. Sadly, it was gone as soon as it came. "I saw that smile." I said. "Anyways, what did you deside on?" I asked. "I am going to train you." he said. "What?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

"I am going to teach you the skills of a lost boy." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because. instead of you wandering the island, you can make use of your freedom and train for a while." he said. "Plus they are good skills to have." he continued. "But Peterrrr." I whined. "No buts." he said and wiggled his finger in my face. I smaked his hand away and stuck out bottom lip.

"Please don't make me." I begged with puppy dog eyes. "You are training and that is final. We start first thing tomorrow." he said, avoiding my eyes, and walking deeper into the forest.

I'm sooooo looking forward to this. Aren't you?

A/N: TERRIBLE I KNOW! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME! I LOOOOVE YOU! NIGHT! IM GOING TO SLEEP NOW! I'll upload another chapter hopefully this weekend. I have a lot planned for seventeen, so just you wait.

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