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"What's wrong with her?" Snow White asked her arrow still pointing at me.

Their group is surrounding me with their weapons trying to get an answer out of me.

"Why do you care about her. She's just a pathetic girl that you brought along with you to find Henry" I said telling the cold, hard, solid truth. No I never liked Chelsea. Her magic is weak, and she is very naïve

"We brought her along because we knew she was useful now where is she?" Emma growled her voice practically dripping in hate

"Safe" I smirked them disappeared to Tink's Place.

I appeared right when they were about to head my way. "Hello love.... Tinkerbell" I said smiling at Chelsea and nodding at Tink.

"Hi Peter" Chelsea smiled.

"Pan" Tinkerbell spat.

"Oh Tinkerbell. Why the harsh tone? I only said hi" I said my tone sarcastic. "Only said hi my ass" she mumbled. I smirked and walked over to where they were standing.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Chelsea putting one hand comfortably on her back, Tinkerbell eyeing me. "Fine" she breathed out. Her hair was longer and more on the lighter blonde side and her skin was more pale than usual.

Of coarse I know exactly what is wrong with her. For she is the sister if a very special queen.


I'm freezing my butt off and it's like 80 degrees outside. How I don't know but I am. We started walking. Where? I don't know.

We stopped right behind some leaves and Peter turned to me. "Your friends are behind these leaves. I want you to go in there and act like you are completely fine until I can figure out what is wrong with you." He said, his eyes practically staring into my soul. I quickly nodded and he and Tinkerbell walked away.

I took a deep breathe and pretended to stumble and fall into our camp.

I fell onto the leaf covered ground making me uncomfortable and itchy.

"Chelsea! You're ok!!!!" Snow yelled running over to me with open arms. I sat up and smiled. "Yes Snow. I'm fine." I said standing up fully.

"What did Pan do to you? Did you find Henry?" Regina asked quickly.

"First off Peter did nothing to harm me, and second I did not see Henry."I said, my voice sad.

She nodded and sat on a log. "We should sleep now so we can get up early to find Henry guys" Hook said. We all agreed and laid in our sleeping bags. I grabbed my phone and pressed shuffle, then smiled when I heard the music blast through my ears, warming my heart.

You and me, we made a vow

For better or for worse

I can't believe you let me down

But the proof's in the way it hurts

For months on end I've had my doubts

Denying every tear

I wish this would be over now

But I know that I still need you here

You say I'm crazy

'Cause you don't think I know what you've done

But when you call me baby

I know I'm not the only one....


"Come on Chelsea wake up." A voice said. Groaning I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the camp seeing it all packed up and the guys waiting for me. "Where's Emma, Snow, and Regina?" I asked quickly getting out of bed. "They're going to the restroom. You can go real quick if you need to" I nodded and went to do my buiness.


After we were all done we gathered our things ready to start off.

"Let's go find Henry"

A/N: I know it's late and short but Wattpad wouldn't let me update! I'm really sorry. It's working now since I deleted it then re-got it. Hopefully it won't happen again. Thanks for being patient!! Love YA! Bye!

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