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this is super late and it's Sunday.


"Alright everyone here?" Tinkerbell asked the only three people that were also part of the plan. "I rolled my eyes. "Yes Tinkerbell. All three of us are here." I said sarcastically. "No sassing me missy." she said narrowing her eyes and pointing a finger at me. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Alright, so we know what the plan is to leave? Right?" she asked. "Yes. All we need is the bean." I said. "That's where the next part of the plan comes in." She said. "Chelsea. I need you to stay her-" "WHY ME!?" I cried. "Because you know him best." she replied. "No I don't, you do! I don't want to know him either! Who wants to get to know a psyco-path fairytale character who wants to kill everything in his path?" I asked. Their looks were blank as I panicked. "Please?" she begged. "It will get you off of this damn island. It will only take us four days maximum." I thought and nodded. "Fine."


"So Peter. Where you going?" I asked innocently as I followed him through the forest. "Nowhere of your consern- infact, why are you following me?" he asked. I shrugged and said "I don't know."

He kept walking and ignoring my questions. Tough crowd. "So... what do you do when you're not kill- hurt- hunting people?" I stuttered. He shrugged. "Play games." he said. I nodded.


About an hour later, I was begging for Peter to stop for ten minutes. My legs were burning from walking behind him in my natural slow pace while he was faster than The Flash. "Fine we can stop. Only for a minute though." he said. He looked behind him and said "I'll be right back."

I had a feeling he was up to something so I followed him, ignoring the burning in my thighs. Turns out he wasn't up to much. Peter had just stopped at some random tree and sat there. I over heard one of the lost boys talking about some special tree Peter has, but I didn't think anything of it. Turns out it was true.

I left Peter to himself and walked back to camp.

When I made it to the camp, I sat on a log and pulled out my oh-so-famous iPod and played what ver came on when I pressed shuffle. A lost boy with bright blue eyes and ruffled brown hair walked up to me. "Hi." he said to me. I remembered Peter telling me not to speak to the lost boys, so I didn't. I stood up and walked away. It's better that I don't get attached to anyone. Especially when I'll be leaving soon. Hopefully.

I hadn't realized that I was walking for so long until I reached the beach. I shrugged to myself and sat on the sandy ground. I looked around to see a gloomy sky, green trees, randomly put rocks, a couple shells, and of course- water. I admired the simple view. Someone sat next to me. I looked over, expecting Peter, but saw Felix. "Uh- Hi?" I said- well more of questioned. He gave a nod as a hello. I turned my head back to the scenery and tried to block out the starring blonde lost boy.

I couldn't take it much longer. "Is there something you need?" I asked him. He smirked. "Pan wants you back at camp." I nodded and stood.

I shivered as snowflaked whispered softly around my head in low tunes. I looked around and saw no snow, even the sky was getting clearer. My breathing got quicker and I coudln't walk straight.

I coughed and fell to the ground. As soon as my body collided with the leafy floor, ice shot from my body. I groaned in pain and didn't move. I heard footsteps near me. "Chelsea! What did you do?" Peter asked, standing above me. I coughed again and said "I w-as walk-ng towards c-camp and thi-is hap-pp-pened." I shivered. H esighed hheavily and took me into his very warm arms. At the moment, I didn't care who he was. I just wanted the cold to go away.

The warmpth fled as I was set onto the cold grounds of Neverland. I felt something stir inside of me and the snowflakes gathered around my head again. "Okay Chelsea. It's time you need to learn how to use your powers." Peter said.

A/N: Short. Late. Aweful. Sorry. I got lost in writing my new story 'The Arrow Assassin' and didn't know how to word this chapter. I won't be able to update tomorrow, but maybe this weekend. I love you. 3K READS! TYSM! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

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