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Disclaimer: this chapter is 2 months later. Read the authors note at the end for any explanation you might need. This chapter is all over the place, but it will be more organized next chapter. I hope you all have a lovely New Years and that your holidays were wonderful!!!!


It's been two months. Peter has moved the camps everywhere. Henry was taken back by the crew. Peter even told me he was 'killed' in the middle of storybrooke by his own son. Emma promised me she would come back for me. I had a very hard time believeing that.

In order to save Henry, I had to stay. I was bait for Peter, but it was to keep Henry alive and safe.

I've mapped out so many plans in the past two months. Thrirteen to be exact. None of them worked. They all just ended in my freezing my own cage and having to be moved to another. You might be wondering why Peter hasn't left Neverland yet. Regina was smart and cursed it. That's why I have doubts about being rescued.

"Get out." Peter said while he opened my cage. I looked at him. He made an annnoyed look then motioned me out. All I did was stare at him. "Bloody hell Chelsea. Get out of the damned cage." he said loudly, almost yelling. "No" I said.

"Why must we do this every week?" he whined. Once a week, normally on Thursdays, Peter lets me out of my cage and walks me around the island. Honestly I don't know why. He hates me. I don't hate him. I just... dislike him strongly. Yeah. That's it.

"Well. From my point of view, it's fun to annoy you." I said and smiled innocently. "Just come out." he groaned. I sighed and crawled out of my cage. After I brushed myself off we started into the forest.

When we first started walking around, Peter handcuffed me. I guess he has figured out that I won't run. That and I don't have anywhere to run.

"So how's life outside the cage?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Is it nice?" I asked. He shrugged again. "Peeeeeeetteeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr" I whined. "Come on man. Talk to me." I said. He smiled lightly before it turned back to a frown. "I saw that" I said, stopping him. "What?" he asked. "That tiny smile. Maybe you do have feelings." I said and started walking again.

"Sometimes. It depends on who I'm with." he said. I nodded and said "same."


"But I don't wanna go back in my cage." I whined. At first me and Peter completely avoided and hated eachother when we walked, but now, I'm so used to him being annoyed and angry with everything, I'm not scared.

"Just go" he said and pointed in my cage. "Please Peter" I begged, literally getting on my knees. "No. You and I both know that I can't trust you." he said. "Yes you can! I promise I won't run! You'd literally find me in a spilt second. Please!" I begged. I was almost tempted to cling to his leg like a child, but I decided against it. "Fine"

I jumped up happily before he stopped me and said "I have some rules."

"Okay." I said happily. "One. You cannot communicate with any of the lost boys unless you, or one of them is dying."

"Got it"

"Rule number two. You may not. Under any circumstance enter my chambers or any of the lost boys." he said. I have a simple nod to show my understanding. "Rule number three."

"You are only allowed to use your magic or, 'powers' if you will, around me." he said holding up three fingers. "Yes Sir." I said, saluting him with my index and middle fingers. He sent me a smile full of sarcasm and smugness before sending me off.

I wandered through the trees looking for anything new that I hadn't seen before. I didn't find much. All that I found was a weird looking butterfly and a really big log. I stopped at the log and sat down. I pulled out the iPod that, surprisigly still had 45% battery, and hadn't seen for couple of days. I unlocked it and scrolled through my songs.

I wanted a song that made me happy and laugh, so I turned on 'Act My Age' by One Direction.

When I'm Fat and Old. And my kids think I'm a joke. Cause' I move a little slow, when I dance...

I giggled and leaned against the tree behind me.


"Hello" someone said while poking me. "Peter go away" I said tiredly. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. "I'm not Peter" it said again in a reaaaalllyyy deep voice. (QUICK A/N. LOOK AT THE CAST. YOU'LL MEET SOME NEW CHARACTERS THAT WEREN'T ORIGINALLY IN OUAT AND IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHO IS WHO. THIS GUY IS PLAYED BY CHRIS PINE, BUT AS I ADD IN NEW CHARACTERS YOU ARE GOING TO NEED TO KNOW WHAT ACTOR OR ACTRESS PLAYS THEM. IT WASN'T SO QUICK, BUT IF YOU READ IT, THANKS A BUNCH! KK GET BACK TO READING!!!!!) I looked up an into the brightest, and I mean brighter then Nash Grier's eyes, blue eyes I have ever seen. "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" I said amazed by how beautiful a man could be. I know it may sound dramatic but damn. This guy was hot. Or it just might be the fact that I have seen no boys besides the lost boys, who are underage for me, and Peter. I must look horrid to him. I've been stuck on this island without a brush and I've only been able to bathe in the nearby waterfall.

"Do you know your way around here?" he asked. Well Peter didn't say anything about talking to cute guys. "Yes I do as a matter a fact" I said. He sighed in relief and said "I haven't seen anyone around here except some weird girl who kept trying to trick me into saying I was somone working for some pot, or pan, or something like that." he said making a confsed face. I giggled and nodded.

"How did you get here?" I asked him. "Some guy with a hook for a hand sent me here with my friend, Joseph, and said to find a girl named Chloe or something." "Chloe..... or Chelsea?" I asked. "CHELSEA!!! That's what it was. I don't have the best memory." he said. "Yeah" I nodded.

Confused on why Hook would send someone I didn't know to rescue me,mrather than himself or another friend of mine.

He walked me to his camp and introduced me to his friend Joseph. "Nice to meet you" I said and shook his hand. "Ni-" "Chelseaaaaaaa" Peter called out. "Crap" I whispered. "I'm so sorry, that's my- uh- dad. I'll come back here tomorrow. Bye." I said and ran off to Peter. "Hiya Peter" I said putting my elbow on his shoulder. He gave me a weird look and shrugged it off. "Weirdo" he mumbled. "Well at least I'm not as weird as you." I replied with a hint of sass in my voice. He rolled his eyes. "That's not true. I'm the opposite of weird." he said. I burst out laughing. "Yes you are." I said and poked his side making him giggle. "I thought you weren't ticklish." I mumbled before digging my fingers into his sides making him laugh uncontrollably.

It was weird seeing him smile. It was also strange to see his nice side along with his playful side. Normally I see the angry, sad, or just the Peter that reveals no feeling.

Peter laughed so hard that he doubled over and fell to the ground, but brought me with him. We both fell laughing. I ended up landing almost right next to Peter. My right arm and leg fell on him. I was laughing too hard to get off so we both sat their lauging like complete idiots.

But to tell you the truth, I was happy and didn't mind it at all.

A/N: It's kinda long. Sorry if it was confusing. I didn't want to go through thw whole saving Henry process because that you've all seen that! Hopefully... Anyways, I wanted to junp into her story when Emma and the rest leave. If you have any questions on whats going on please notify me. I have no issues with explaining it to you. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love you all, and thank you so much for 1.4k reads!!!! Okey! Bye!

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