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"I-I'm what?" I asked. "I'm sorry." she whispered and handcuffed me.

"I don't understand" I said, from the back seat of the sheriff car. "It's the Mayor's doing and thats all I can say." she said. Of course. Regina.


Once we pulled into the station, we walked inside and I was thrown behind bars. Everyone was there and I didn't like, nor understand it. "Why am I here?" I asked. "You spent far too much time with Pan. How do we know that you aren't working for him now?" Regina asked. "But I'm not." I said. "We can't be for certain. Until you are proven innocent, this is where you will stay." she said. "I am innocent." I said. Mary Margaret spoke up and said, "I've been in your situation before. It will all be okay soon." "What?" I asked. Regina gave her a look and she stopped talking.

Emma shooed everyone out of the station until it was just her, Belle, and I. "Belle, please leave." Emma asked nicely. "Before I go, can I have a word with Chelsea?" she asked. Emma gave me a look and I nodded at her. Emma left the room and Belle made her way to the outside of my jail cell.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked. "I understand how you feel." she said. "What do you mean?" I sighed. She took in a breath and said, "I mean, I've also been locked up." she said. "By Regina?" I asked. "Yes." she said.

There was an awkward silence before she said, "We have something in common." I averted my eyes from the ground to hers. "What might that be?" I asked. "We both love bad men."

I was a taken back so much that I almost fell off of the small cot I had. "L-love?" I asked. "I d-don't love anyone." I told her. The smile she wore on her face was sympathetic and her eyes held pity. Anger grew inside of me for a reason that I couldn't see. "I don't know what you want, but I am not in love. I have never been in love, nor will I ever." I snarled. Why I was acting this way? It was like my mind and body have been taken over by something else. "You can't be afraid." she said. "I'm not afraid. I know what I feel and it is not love." I said. "Chelsea." she started. "Leave Belle." I said. "But."


My body grew cold and fear arose in my stomach. My anger calmed, but the fear grew. "Please Belle." She sighed and obeyed my slight order. I nodded to her as a thank you when she gave my one last look. She smiled, then left.


Four days had passed and the only communication I was available to was Emma and Regina. Not that anyone else had come to see me. No one cared. I had become angrier with myself more and more as the days passed. I shouldn't have left Neverland. I worked so hard to get back here and now that I am back, I hate it. It's not just the fact that I'm in jail either. I hate to admit it, but I miss Peter. More than I should too. I thought about what Belle said and decided that I was not in love with Peter. I don't believe in love, to be honest. It's just weird, you know?

Sure, I guess someone can feel something when they look at someone, or a little school girl/ boy crush. You know, think they're cute and all, but love? I don't think so.

The opening of the door snapped me out of my trance and I looked to see a woman with light blonde hair, blue eyes, and a long white dress that looked like it was made of snow. "W-who are you? I asked. She had tears in her eyes as she spoke, "Lena?" I gave her a confused look and shook my head. "M-my name is Chelsea. Chelsea Lockwood." "I don't think that it is." she responded. "I'm confused. Who are you?" I asked. "I'm the Snow Queen." she said.

Realization smacked me in the face and I blurted, "You're my mother." Tears welled in her eyes and she tried to hug me through the bars. "Hmmm." she thought. "Let's get you out of here." Then, with a wave of her hand, the bars shimmered with magic. "Step through them." she said. I did what she said and I was able to walk straight through the bars. "My sweet daughter. I've missed you." she cried. "How did we ever get separated?" I asked. "You were taken from me by a great evil power that was set on Arendelle. I wished to protect you, but I was not capable to make it out with you in time." she explained. "What is the evil you speak of?" I asked. Before she got a chance to speak, we heard someone entering the building. She quickly turned to me and said, "I'll explain later. Right now, we must leave."

I nodded and she wrapped her cold arms around me and smoke surrounded us. The smoke disappeared seconds later and we were in some sort of ice cave. "It's beautiful in here." I said. Because of the ice and snow combined with the extreme chill, I felt ten times stronger than I did in the hot sun. She smiled at me and looked as if she were about to cry. "You look so much like your father." she said. I smiled and engulfed her in a hug. "If you don't mind me asking..." I started. I continued when I felt her nod "Who "is my father?" I asked. "He told me his name was Nicholas. I don't remember as much as I would like to, but I remember enough."


"I'm going out!" I shouted. My mother had been teaching me some spells and I now know how to change my hair color, eye color, and nose shape. I made my hair brown, my eyes brown, and I made my nose longer so that I wouldn't be recognized so easily.

"Alright! Don't get into any trouble!" she yelled back. I smiled. It's so great to have a mother that actually cares.

I walked down the sidewalks of Storybrooke, smiling at those who walked passed me, and I walked into Granny's. "Hello! Are you new here?" Ruby asked. I smiled and nodded. "Don't worry though. I know about this place." I said. "Who are you?" she asked. I smiled.

"No one you would remember."


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