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"Do you EVER stop with the mushy stuff?" I asked Snow.

"Well one of us might die in the time we are looking for Henry, so no, we won't." She snapped.

I groaned and laid on my bed till everyone fell asleep and started listening to music again.

'Everyday is payday, swipe my card and I do the n-'

The music stopped in one ear but not the other. I grabbed the wrist of who took it and looked up to see the boy from earlier.

"What do you want uh-"

"Peter. Peter Pan." He cut me off. I nodded playing the name back in my head and told him mine.

"Chelsea. Chelsea Lockwood" and he pondered it in his head then nodded and said "This device interests me very much and this music is amazing. I hope you don't mind"

I shook my head no and closed my eyes again.

Peter Pan. Peeeetteeeeerrrr Paaaaaaaaaan Peter Pan.

Where have I heard that name before besides the amazing Disney movie.

Peter Pan. Pan. Paaaaaaan. Peter? No Paaaaan. PAN!! Oh my gosh yes. Regina was saying how this 'Pan' guy stole Henry. Well duuuuuuuh!!

This is the guy. He doesn't seem that bad.

Not that bad looking. My conscience blurted out.

Shut up.

You know it's true.

I said shut up.

Fine but you'll admit it soon.

Oh my gosh I'm already talking to myself. This dammed island is already getting to my mind.

Soon enough these thoughts became a blur and I fell asleep quietly.



Shake shake shake.


Shake shake shake.


"What Emma" I said jolting awake. "Do you hear that crying?" She asked. I listed closely and in fact did here a crying noise. I gave her a confused glance and we went to go see what it was.

We stopped between a few trees after we heard a noise. "That's funny. I thought only Emma could hear the noise." Peter said. I was behind Emma so he couldn't see my face but when I stepped around he had a shocked expression on his face but then smirked and said "Hi Chelsea" I smiled and waved and said "Hi Peter"

Emma told me to go back to the camp so I did.


"How do you know her?" I asked the boy in front of me. What's his name?

"She's a lovely girl isn't she. I could make her the first lost girl. Wouldn't that be nice?" He said stepping closer to me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh. Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan." He said answering me with many eyebrow movements.

I pushed him against a tree and held my sword to his throat.

"Where the hell is my son?"

"You've got fire. I like fire."


"Henry's alive if that's what your worried about."

"I want my son back" I almost yelled through gritted teeth.

"And I'm going to help you find him." he said and as I pulled the sword from his throat he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a sheet of paper.

Opened it up glancing at Pan every few seconds making sure he didn't try anything. I looked down at the map and saw it was empty.

"It's blank" I said clarifying my thoughts.

"Yes.. The map will show up when you admit who you really are." He said then disappeared.

I rubbed my forehead and walked back to camp then laid on my bed and started thinking till I fell asleep.



"Everybody up!! We are going to start moving today!" Regina practically screamed sending all the birds in the trees flying.

I put my bag over my head but as soon as it touched my cheek it was swept away by wind along with my blanket.

I whimpered as the crisp and old morning air touched my bare legs since I had put on shorts, as it was hot when we went to sleep.

I quickly changed into a plain black shirt and jeans with my shoes and jacket.

Once we were all packed we started off towards Pan's camp. Emma had gotten a map from him and spent apparently all morning to try and get it to work. She couldn't.

Peter said when she finds out who she really is.

She's the savior but she won't admit that. That's it. She's the savior.

I looked at the time seeing that it didn't change since we left Storybrooke.

2:37pm September 7, 2014.

Confused I went and caught up with the rest of the guys.

"Who am I? I'm a mother. I'm single. I'm from Storybrooke. I am the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. I- uh." Emma said frustrated.

"Don't sorry Emma. You'll get it." I said smiling slightly and putting a hand on her shoulder.

A/N: I hope this chapter was better than the last. I saw that I have 14 reads and I was just like ..wut.. I hope you enjoyed this and I promise the chapters will get longer as I go on. Ok byeeeee!!! Sorry for any mistakes too.

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