💚He's Back💚

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:) Bonjour Everyone :D. I hope you'll like this :)

~~~3rd POV~~~

"Alright Y/n I'll be out for awhile, when I come back we can eat!" Yelled a voice from afar "Alright be back soon because I have something special to make tonight!" yelled another from a different room. Y/n, the one who was in the room, came out and went up to someone wearing a white mask with a smile on it "Heh don't hide yah face from me" chuckled the smaller boy and lifted up the mask from the other and planted a small kiss on his soft lips "I love you, Dream" said Y/n "I love you too Y/n" said Dream. They hugged each other for a few seconds and parted "Be safe" said Y/n "Sure I will " said Dream cringing. Dream closed the door behind him while Y/n watched out the frosted window seeing his boyfriend walk away into the deep blanket of snow. "He's gonna be fine" said Y/n to himself.

A little while later Y/n started cleaning and rearranging furniture in the home. He placed framed weapons in a chest and food into the fridge, some useful items in an ender chest, some useless stuff in another chests. He was happy for the work he did. Everything was organized and there were no longer dust on shelves and stands. 'I better go grab stuff for dinner tonight' he told himself. He put on his jacket plus his scarf, gloves, sword, and a shovel.

He looked around to see if he missed anything yet there was nothing left. He turned the knob of the door and opened it. He smiled as the sun was still high up in the sky. He was happy for where he lived, sure it was cold but it was quiet in the abandoned area. No war, no people bugging him and Dream, there was also unlimited food supply which made it way easier for him to survive on his own time while Dream was away. He started to hunt for rabbits, look for mushrooms, hunt chicken, and pick potatoes from his potato garden.

Time past he finished making everything and all he had to do was wait for his boyfriend. It became seconds, seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, to the point the sun was almost behind the mountains in the distance. Y/n was a little worried for Dream. He glanced at his clock it showed it was 12:24.

~~~Y/n's POV'~~~

I lost track of time and fell asleep at the table. When I woke up everything was still in its place nothing was touched, no snoring could be heard, it was dead silent in the house. I looked outside and saw the sun was rising from behind the mountains "Oh shit" I said under my breath "He's not here, fuck I got to go, I need to look for him!" I yelled. But then I remembered he said he'll be fine. 'Maybe I'll wait for him and look for him tomorrow' I told myself and just started to clean the table.


The day passed and the next day came. I woke up hoping to see him beside me but it was a cold and empty spot beside me. I frowned and decided to get up. I grabbed my weapons and put on my armour. I walked outside and started to go where Dream always goes. "Well on the bright side I hadn't seen L'Manberg! It probably got updated or something. Oh my god I can't wait to go back" I said trying to think positive. 'He's never told me how L'Manberg is' I told myself and kept walking for a few hours. I was hungry so I grabbed cooked steak and ate it. While I continued to walk I saw something in the distance. It looked like a cabin and my curiosity kicked in, so I walked closer to the place. I looked around to see if anyone was in sight and there was no soul to be seen. I sighed and continued to walk where the compass was pointing to. It lead to a nether portal. I furrowed my eyebrow and decided to enter. I was surprise see a full on path. I followed the path and lead to a nether portal so I entered it.

Coming out the other side I saw a giant hole not far from the portal. 'Wasn't that where L'Manberg was' I asked myself. I was devastated. How long was I gone for this to happen, oh right two years.

I looked around the place and walked along the prime path. I found a map and saw the whole surroundings. I even saw a giant black box thing. "What the hell?" I questioned and stared at it.

I decide to head towards the giant thing, and it wasn't even that far. I looked back up at the sky and saw it was pink.

I made it to the place and looked around to see if there was any entrance to the place. I checked the map again and saw a smaller structure beside the place and I walk to the direction. Once I made it, I saw creeper dude sitting at a desk. He looked up at me, giving me a questionable expression. "Hello sir, so you need anything?" He asked me in a low voice which made shivers go down my spine.

"Um I'm just looking for a person, he wears a white mask with a smile on it-" my sentence was cut by him "Dream?" He asked me "Oh yes, you know him?" I asked him and he nodded. "Who are you to him?" He asked me in an aggressive tone and I felt a bit taken aback. 'Has Dream never mentioned me to anyone in the past years?' I questioned myself. "I-I um... I'm you know, how can I say this. I'm his b-boyfriend" I said awkwardly. He looked surprised "Wait hold up! So your telling me, that dream had a boyfriend!" He yelled, and I slightly nodded. "Well fuck. I'm sorry to say this but your 'boyfriend' is locked up." He said I didn't know what to say. " Um... Well shit. Am I able to see him?" I asked him and he nodded. "All you got to do is sign a paper and then after that you will follow me to a room where you will have to put your armour and weapons basically everything and then I could lead you to his cell." He said and I nodded and signed a book he gave me.

He lead me to the room he told me he was taking me to. After that I followed him through halls. He also started to talk about how him and Dream built this place and why and how Dream ended in here. He knew how awkward I felt about the conversation and apologized "Its alright" I responded.

Walking through a couple of halls and I was impressed by the Redstone work. "This place is cool I must admit. Especially the Redstone, did you do it?" I asked him and he nodded "Indeed I did are you impressed" he said and I chuckled "I am" I said.

We finally made it to a place where an opening with a lava wall. He pressed a few levers and soon the lava came down. Revealing a box and Dream inside it. He was looking down with his mask still on. "Alright now what I want you to do is follow the moving path and try not to jump or there will be a problem. I nodded and saw the path started to move so I started walking.

I made it across and walked on the platform. Dream looked up at me and he immediately got up. "Oh my god Y/n are you ok?! I'm so sorry for not coming home please forgive me." He said and I smiled at him "You don't have to worry sweety I'm alright nothing happened to me." I said and he sighed in relief.

"Y/n I need you to promise me you'll love no one else while I'm here please" he said and nodded "I promise. Anything for you" I said "Thank you" he said back and I nodded. I held my hand out for him to take it and we just stayed that way while whispering to each other.

But wait...


That was almost year ago. I haven't talked to Dream since then because I was threatened by some people. I heard he broke out with Technoblade including Ranboo and Connor a few months ago.

I was scared of Dream, if he comes here. Will he be mad at me? Will he forgive me for not visiting him? I had many questions going on in my head. Maybe he won't be mad. I thought until out of nowhere I heard a few knocks on the door.

It made me jump. I walked downstairs and stared at the door until a few more knocks were on the door but more aggressive. I hesitantly put my hand in the knob and slowly twisted it.

It fully opened, revealing a beaten up Dream. He had a scar on his face. But what scared me the most was his maniacally wide smile across his face. "Hello Y/n. I'm back" he whispered and started to laugh hysterically and walking towards me with a sword in his right hand.

1589 words!

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