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You will probably get this late but whatevs...hope y'all enjoy n e way

"Do I have to wear this" Aiden grumbled

Nikita stared at him. 

"Yes, you idiot! it's your birthday! and I spent HOURS on this...You are NOT showing up to your party dressed in some hoodie and jeans?!.......NO! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT! NOW GO CHANGE!

Party? He TOLD the rest of the Potatoes that he wanted to hang out, watch some movies together, and maybe play some truth or dare. But noooo. This morning he woke up to find Nikki measuring his body while he was sleeping and Sheela staring at him as if her eyes were boring into his soul.

I would have loved to draw fanart for this but I'm too lazy. Deal with it 😎 I'll add it in l8ter

5 minutes later, and Aiden was dressed in a leather jacket + T-shirt + Denim + Slip-on Sneakers

He probably looked like Rudy now. Nikki on the other hand was pleased.

Nikki's phone suddenly beeped. Yes, they have phones. 

"You can come down now," Nikki said

The whole house was decorated with streamers, balloons, and other party stuff 

Brynne had made him a Shadowfax cake him. How did she even do that? Besides the cake were loads of presents. How long did it take them to plan all this? They did all this for him? Duh Wifey, they are your friends.

Aru met him at the DJ station Yes Rudy was DJing ofc. Aru looked pretty in a long white dress with stars on it. No doubt designed by Nikki.

Aru smiled at him. God, he loved that smile. Oh, do you now?

" Hey Wifey, happy birthday"

Grrrr, he hated that nickname. Do they HAVE to call him that? Yes, we do Wifey! And I should probably shut up now. Anyways he was happy that Aru was here and he thanked her. At first, she looked like she was going to say something but hesitated. "Nice outfit BTW," She said and walked away. This was before the kiss when things were not so awkward between them.

"Yeah cuz. You look almost as good as me" Said a voice behind him. Aiden spun around to find Rudy in a blinding white outfit eating a bag of chips

"Aren't you supposed to be DJing?" Aiden asked

"Yeah but a bunch of our followers from Wattpad came and they said that they wanted to try DJing"

How many people did the Potatoes invite again?

The rest of the party was really fun except for the part where Rudy tried to take a selfie and he accidentally stuck his hand on the cake. Now Shadowfax lens looked like it had been severely cracked by some unknown source . Brynne chased him around the room with her mace and accidentally brought all the streamers down. Yep, your classic birthday party 🤣

The potatoes got him nice gifts. Mini gave him a National Geographic Book about nature. Brynne got him extra film for his camera. And Aru gave him loads of Harry Potter merchandise Aiiiiiiii I want some too! The twins gave him the party of course and Malini gave Aiden a picture of Aiden, Malini, and Mr Acharya back when they were still a family.

" I'm sad he left Ace Cakes.....but I'm happier here with you," Malini said handing him the portrait 

At night, fireworks lit up the whole neighborhood. Aiden watched it from his balcony with Aru

"How did you guys pay for this?" He asked Aru

"We didn't" Aru replied "When the Otherworld heard it was your birthday they sent firecrackers, free of charge"

Wow, all this for him?

"Yes, Wifey! I-we all care about you and we want to make your birthday special!" Aru said blushing and looking down.

Aiden softly smiled at her "Thank you" He said

They stared at each other for a few minutes, moving closer to each other when.......

"Aiden I fixed the cake!" Brynne entered the balcony. Aru and Aiden sprang apart.

"Oho, what's this I see here?" Brynne said smirking

"N-nothing! We were just going to go and...... try the cake! Yeah! you coming Shah?

"Yeah i'll catch up later" Aru said looking away, her face red

*sigh* maybe he would tell Aru about his feelings later...... But for now. He was ready to enjoy his birthday and spellebrate with his friends



☆*: .。. MARIANNA.。.:*☆

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