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SUSAN PEVENSIE had already been awake for hours when the sun rose above the Eastern Sea and engulfed Narnia in a golden light

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SUSAN PEVENSIE had already been awake for hours when the sun rose above the Eastern Sea and engulfed Narnia in a golden light.

After James had left the palace grounds, the queen had went to bed for not more than an hour or two, at most. The fear that by going to sleep, she could forget the visitor of the night, kept Susan awake.

The guards didn't seem too surprised when they saw their queen walk around the castle in only her nightgown at three in the morning. The second eldest Pevensie never seemed to get rest, since she was working and planning events without a halt.
Some would even say she was a workaholic, which The Gentle Queen always harshly denied.

Nonetheless, she found her way to the library, rich with books of all kinds, when the clock struck half past three in the morning.
Susan simply could not fight the urge to find out more about the mysterious girl that she had encountered just a few hours ago. She just wouldn't leave her mind and it started to bother the queen.

After all, she had a meeting in the afternoon about a ball that was supposed to take place for her youngest brother's sweet sixteenth birthday. This meeting needed her full attention, but she kept getting distracted by her thoughts about James.

Due to Susan having problems with understanding and expressing her feelings, it was difficult for her to show how much she actually loved her siblings. Most people thought she was arrogant, ignorant and cared more about practicing different dances than her own people that she ruled over.

Multiple times she had already tried to hire someone who could help her to express her feelings with words, but it had never worked.
So, Susan's only way of showing affection to someone was by giving them presents, planning something adventurous and fun for them or by simply trying to protect them in a motherly way.

Still, Susan Pevensie was the least liked Pevensie by the Narnians.

Maybe it was because she didn't have a skilled way with words like her older brother had. Or maybe it was because she wasn't as obsessed with battle plans as her brothers and rarely fought in battles, too scared she might see her siblings die like she almost has in the Battle of Beruna. Or maybe most people disliked her because she wasn't as curious and overwhelmingly positive as her sister.

It bothered her.

All the things she has ever done were never as much appreciated as her siblings' accomplishments. Susan knew that there were people out there having it worse than her and she did all she could to help those people. And still her entire personality and the person she truly was, was being misinterpreted by most Narnians.

Even by her siblings whom she had heard making fun of her because she was such a 'buzzkill'.

She hated it. What else could she do to be more likeable?
Though now, there was maybe one person who saw her in a different light.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘, s. pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now