Dance of Bullets

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It was hard for Shinichi, distinguishing between pain and the small breaks inbetween. But right now, he was actually enjoying himself... well, what had been his break at the very moment.

The BO had been especially sadistic this time... at least they thought that. Shinichi was floating in a glass tube, underwater, and yet he felt at peace.
There was no need to breathe, for him. For once he had been glad about his trauma...

It had been training, in a way.

Shinichi had just relaxed the moment they had pushed him under water and let the liquid fill his lungs. Why should he breathe, in fact? There was no need to,  no need to panic, no need for oxygen. And right now, his wounds were cooled by the water, and his kidnappers were enjoying the show he had put on for them.

Grabbing his throat, pushing up against the surface, trying to get out-

He had always been a good actor.

Pandora inside his pocket gave him comfort, protecting him, and it pulsed with every step Kaito took towards him. Shinichi felt it, felt him coming for him, and he knew it was going to end soon.
He released a puff of water before pushing once again against the closed off exit. Just to make it seem a bit real, at least.

The tension within him evaporated, he closed his eyes, stopped his performance.

Just floating effortlessly in the water, eyes closed.

He did not want to see what was about to happen.

A large explosion shattered the walls of his prison; smoke covered the area.
"GET A HOLD OF HIM!" he could hear ringing in his ears filled with water, and yet he felt content keeping his eyes shut as Shinichi felt himself being washed onto the ground.

Two hands grabbed his, and he was hauled off into a direction- only then he opened his eyes, seeing the white clad magician right in front of him.
"Oh my god you're okay..." KID uttered into his direction, yet not stopping, never stopping. Like stung by wasps both chased through room after room, an eternal ride through this underground prison.

Shinichi tried to speak but found himself only able to make a gurgling sound- goddammit, there was still water in his lungs.
And yet, KID understood him, knew what he wanted to say.

Thank you.

Thank you for reviving what you had laid to rest.

Picking up KID's mantle one last time... Of course, now that his secret had been exposed, there was no reason not to. Right?
A sharp card shot the gun out of the man's hands as the lookalikes bolted past him. Further and further, there didn't seem to be any end to this endless path, and yet KID knew exactly where he was going.

A machine gun, firing bullet after bullet into their bodies, neither of them felt any of it nor slowed down.
A wall of men, and yet it only took KID's sleeping gas to surpass that hindrance as well.

And finally.

Finally a staircase.

"Up we go~" Kaito purred and didn't hesitate to pick up Shinichi into his arms- a click, and roller skates came out of his soles. Ha, Shinichi couldn't help but smirk. Memories.

KID was busy skating up the stairs on the railing, god bless those rocket skates he had used to curse so many years ago.
Inbetween bullets and death, Shinichi felt as if he was dancing. A waltz of chaos, for the both of them.

And by god, he enjoyed it.

Up at the doors he leaned up and pressed his lips onto Kaito's, stealing a kiss from him.
"H-hey, now now, it's not quite the time for that right now, Shin-chan-!"
Shinichi only laughed soundlessly and wrapped his arms around Kaito's neck, enjoying the ride.

Sweet and crisp evening air greeted the two of them outside- yet they did not bother to stop.

As free as birds, they flew away on Kaito's hangglider. Away from the base, away from the danger.

What will they do? Shoot us? Pah!

Shinichi's ears were ringing with Kaito's words from just two days ago as his eyes dropped. He was feeling sluggish, yet smiled up at Kaito who seemed to be struggling to stay awake just ad much.
Blood was mixing on their outfits, flowing steadily down to leave a trail on the city's skyline, a dance of death had been performed today.

Shinichi coughed, turning his head to the side, half vomiting out a part of the water stuck in his lungs. His voice was hoarse- no wonder, because of the water.
"I-I can barely stay awake..."
"Me neither," KID croaked, his arms tightening around his lover. They needed to stay strong, needed to continue flying.

Soft clatter of metal was audible down below, bullets rained down from their mangled and bruised bodies as Pandora did its work.
Saving them, saving their lives, and yet they felt it draining everything they had.

"H-how could you just storm in there...?!" the detective complained halfheartedly and earned just a tired grin from his company.
"We Kaitou are possessive. I had to have you back as soon as possible. What could they possible do to us? S-shoot us-"
KID dipped down with a quiet yelp, quickly gaining back control over his hangglider, he needed to stay awake goddammit-!

"For god's sake, please, land!" Shinichi pleaded but his tries went unanswered. Kaito couldn't stop, wouldn't stop. They needed to get away as far as possible.
"Kaito please, we won't hold on much longer-! W-we need to hide. We will fall into a coma soon- very soon! Listen to your voice of reason, if you even possess one!"
"We need... to fly... away..."
Kaito felt tears prinkle within his eyes. They had to escape. They had to. If they got caught now, in a coma, it was all over for them.

"Kaito please-!"

The only witness was tonight's full moon as the red clad thief and his blood tinted detective fell from the sky, unable to keep their eyes open any longer-

...with clipped wings, both didn't even feel the impact anymore. Deep within a death-sleep, vulnerable to the world, and yet, Pandora was satisfied... it had its second half back yet again.

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