Plans are made

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Kaito stared at the filled paper in his hands with wide eyes. This was certainly something he didn't expect. He knew Pandora was influencing him, but to this extent?

"All of this did already happen, KID. Thousands of years ago. Pandora had been destroyed, and those who were destined to guard the shards in different places of the world had become corrupted by the gem's blood, and had followed the urge to the rest of the shards until Pandora was restored."
Swallowing, the young magician let his eyes wander from the file towards his gloved hands.

Pandora is manipulating me. Pandora is forcing me to find its second half. That's why I'm having visions of it. That's why I'm so full of energy. I'll be restless until I did it. Am I really and actually immortal? Or is it just Pandora using me until it accomplished what it wants?

Haibara could only imagine what was going on inside the former thief next to her. She felt somewhat pityful at that. Yet suddenly, KID froze and turned back to her, eyes suspicious. Something didn't add up there.
"That doesn't make sense, Ojou-san. If Pandora had been protected by its own guards... How could it end up in my hands?"
Haibara took a sip of her tea and smiled a rather sad smile.
"As far as I understood it, Pandora is using its host as a personal guardian until it became whole again. As soon as Pandora's pieces became one again... I believe this spook will be over and you are able to live free of any manipulation."
She stopped and eyed Kaito with something akin to curiosity and concern, making said one slightly uneasy.
"Say, KID... How far are you corrupted? Where did the blood touch you?"

Kaito let out a soft and weak chuckle, putting the file down onto the coffee table.
"Where? Everywhere. There is not one spot on me which hasn't been in contact with the blood. Please don't ask further, you really do not want to know, Ojou-san."
Haibara pursed her lip.
"I believe you stopped eating? Sleeping? Any kind of normal body function besides breathing?"
The magician nodded and once again, the scientist looked incredibly sorry at what she was hearing. At least this wasn't as awful to her as hearing it from Kudo.
"Where is Pandora?"
" still want to find it? Despite what you know now?"

Kaito sighed deeply and slowly stood up, facing his back to her to hide his painful smile.
"I won't be able to let go unless Pandora has been recovered, it seems. I will make sure it is safe and won't ever be touched by anybody again."
Haibara watched the male, nervousity gnawing at her nerves. Was she really going to tell him? She had to keep her word after she had squished him out about his own conditions but her heart felt heavy at the chance of the same thing happening again a few hundred or thousand years later. Or god beware, if next time a shady organization was going to find it first. And yet, she felt like she could trust Kaito to do the right thing.
"I could have taken it with me but... I left it with Kudo. Pandora is inside his coffin."
Kaito froze, head raising and muscles tensing.

Inside his coffin?! How am I supposed to get onto it?! I can't exactly dig a whole coffin out!

Kaito let out a desperate sigh and finally nodded to himself, turning back to the expecting Haibara.
"Ojou-san, I will leave my half where it belongs. I... I believe I will need a hand to get rid of it."
The girl, after seeing KID so tense, couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. She had seen how much nerves it had costed Shinichi after her only asking him to lend her Pandora. Haibara raised herself and flashed a glance at the clock.
"Well, it's close to morning... You should go home and we can meet at nighttime in the cemetery."
Kaito smiled relieved and tipped his cap, before he vanished in a small cloud of purple smoke in front of her.
"I will await you."
The girl rolled her eyes and began to clean up the cups.

This guy and his flashy exits.


Conan felt far more restless than usual inside his grave. Something was going to happen, he could feel it inside his bones, and by god, it was killing him not to know what it was. He usually had the same feeling on a case, when time was running out and he had no evidence which could convinve anyone of the suspect.

Pandora has never reacted this strong until now. Something must be here, close. Is Pandora reacting to KID? He was at Beika cemetery last time. Or is that just nonsense?

Conan let out a deep and painful sigh. He wanted to know so bad he wanted to scream until his lungs gave in. He wished KID would finally find him, why else was he in Japan? There was no other reason that he could imagine despite his own death which could bring Kaitou KID to return to his home country.

Did you find any way in?

A soft gasp escaped his lips as he heard the familiar voice of Haibara Ai ringing faintly in his ears. He couldn't decide wether this was a vision or not, but he so badly wished that it wasn't a vision and he could really hear her above his grave.
Because that would mean, she could actually hear him, too. Conan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and screamed her name as loud as he could in hopes she would hear him.


Blissfully innocent, Haibara smiled at the male in black in front of her who waved her over to a small hole in the brick wall close by, tarned by a bush. She was actually excited to sneak around again like she used to do with Conan. What they were doing wasn't exactly legal at this hour of the day.
KID seemed visibly tense in her eyes, a wonder he wasn't able to cover it up as perfect as he used to do. This was probably way too much for him. Pityful, she crawled through the hole and grimaced at the wet grass dirtying her clothes, before she stood up and took KID's hand to lead him over towards the grave of a certain detective because she had a feeling his legs weren't going to budge elseway.

Kaito couldn't.
This was the grave of Edogawa Conan.
His Meitantei.

The retired thief swallowed and stared wide eyed at the small nameplate. His muscles didn't move, everything felt frozen inside him.

When Pandora bleeds... (Shinkai)Where stories live. Discover now