Fred's POV
Its been 2 years since I graduated from Hogwarts. Their was me and George, Lee Jordan and Alex Stilinski (my own character I have made I will make a (m/n) one another time sorry). We called ourselves 'The Un-Pranked Four'. George was down stairs right now with Lee. They're dating so I came upstairs to stop third-wheeling.
I'm sat on my bed looking at a photo of us four while smiling. Lee kissing Georges check and me and Alex side hugging.
(I made this and I know its not good but hay ho)
My smile fades as I think of something. Not one of us has spoke to Alex. Not me, or George or Lee. Not even once over the 2 years. I put the photo in my draw and go downstairs to the 2 love birds.
"George, Lee, have either of you heard or spoke to Alex. at all over the 2 years?" I asked
"I haven't."I sigh and we stay silent for a little bit until George pipes up. "What made you ask that anyway, apart from the fact that we are horrible friends?"
"I was looking at a photo of us four I found," I say sitting down next to him.
"Does someone still have a big, fat crush on himmmm," Lee said smirking while punching my arm. I blush and say "maybe I do, maybe I don't." I do. He was the most handsome, polite man I have ever met. He was the definition of perfect."Mom, can the Stilinski family come over for a little while and maybe Ava have a sleepover considering we already have Hermione, Harry and Lee over pleaseeeeeeeeeee," all three of us heard Ginny ask mom that and we watched as if we were excited to hear what she was going to answer with. The Stilinski family is: the dad, Karl, the mom, Sarah, the oldest, Hannah, then Dylan, then Alex, then the twins, Hallie and Annie, then Stiles (teen wolf reference) and last, Ava. The boys out-numbered by 1.
"Sure they can come round for a bit yeah, they can stay for tea as well if they want." My face lit up when I heard that and I turned to face Lee and George so quickly I could of gave myself whiplash with my smile getting bigger and bigger by the second.
They were smiling from ear to ear as well.
"Yep he defiantly still likes him,"
"Defiantly Lee, defiantly."Alex's POV
"I bet only Molly, Arther and Ginny will recognise me," I say to my brother Dylan as I lean against the door frame of his bedroom with my arms crossed as he puts his shoes on. I'm wearing a black leather jacket with black ripped skinny jeans and a red hoodie underneath with a longer white top under that with while trainers. My normal everyday outfit.

He's wearing a checked shirt with a black top underneath with black jeans and white trainers. He also added a chain to the trousers.

Its autumn time so its cold.
"How much you betting on that?" He asked while looking up at me with 1 hand on his knee leaning to the side.
"£20 and 20 gallons."
"Deal, oh and why Ginny," he saying walking up to me shaking my hand to place the bet.
"Because she has saw me when she was on face time with Ava." He nods in response and grabs his coat and he closed the door behind him as we walk towards the living room waiting for the rest of the family.Fred's POV
Me, George and Lee all headed upstairs to get ready for the others to come over.
"What do you think Alex looks like now?" Lee said out of the blue when we were all ready for them to come over.
"He probably looks the same," George replied, "He probably dyed his hair silver like he wanted since 3rd year but other than that, the same pretty much."

Smut And Fluff Of All Fandoms 😁
FanficThis book is for the most random things I think of. I normally get theses in my head when reading other peoples smuts and fluff and it makes random one to write in my own head (yes smut story appear in my head when I read other. I am weird like that...