🧑🏼❤️Remus Lupin❤️🧑🏼

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A/N: Son!Reader

"You look nervous."

Hermione glared at Ron, who put his hands up in defence before mumbling something to Harry, who promptly smacked him in the head with some parchment paper. This, in turn, made you smile a bit, watching Ron run his head, looking at you sheepishly before sighing and trying again.

"What I mean is, that," Ron struggled to find words, his eyebrows knitted together as you wait patiently for him, "Lupin is very understanding..."

Harry sighed at his best friend's hopelessness, "Remus won't be mad at you (Y/n), and I think you know that as well, yeah, he might be a bit upset but with himself and not with you. It's not your fault at the end of the day."

"How were we supposed to know that Greyback was waiting in the forbidden forest waiting for the full moon?"

"Not helping, Ronald," Hermione hissed at him.

"It's okay," You reassured, sinking further into the train seat, leaning your head against the window, and watching the outside move past.

After the summer, you had a great relationship with your dad, you were absolutely devastated that he had to resign from his role as a professor as you knew it had brought him such happiness, but that summer was full of fun and happiness with your dad - he even let you join the Weasleys to watch the Quidditch match. But, when you returned to Hogwarts, everything went downhill.

Within the first month, Fenrir Greyback wanted revenge. He was still hungry for revenge on the Lupins when he found out there was one more, running around normally. The fourth year was hell for you. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Pomfrey were all there to be by your side. You look into the eyes of your head of the house and the matron, and you could see flashbacks within them - knowing they see Remus in you.

You barely sent letters back to your dad, never once talking about this new condition of yours, you had support from your friends, but they were busy. Harry was focused on the Triwizard, and you spent most days distracting yourself with helping him or your studies. Ron was mostly in a mood with Harry, so you hardly saw him during the year before he turned around to help Harry. Hermione was the most helpful, but there was only so much one could do.

You didn't go home for Christmas, making up an excuse, with Remus accepted.

Remus did usually wonder what was occurring on your side, he was always thrilled to see your letter come into the post, but was often disheartened when they were infrequent. Your letters were often short and Remus could sense that there wasn't much joy within your letters. Frequently, he lies awake, wanting to ask what has happened, but he couldn't overstep.

But, as you were returning home for the summer, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread brewing within you. You didn't want to see or even talk to him, but you couldn't avoid him forever. As the train comes to a halt, you could see Arthur and Molly, and next to them was your dad. You swallowed your nerves down as you grabbed your stuff and exited the train.

You could see in the distance that there were some students who stopped by your dad, to say hello and have quick conversations, telling him that he was missed dearly by various different students. You softly smile at yourself, that your dad had made an impact on students' lives despite being known as a werewolf.

As you approach, you couldn't help yourself and hug your dad, who chuckled and hugged you tightly. He was still looming over you, you hadn't grown much during the year, so as he went to kiss your head, he saw some scarring underneath your shirt and jumper. His heart started to race as he sees familiar bite marks, you pulled away from him, and he puts a fake smile towards you.

You turn your attention to the Weasley parents, who gave you a hug as well. Remus turns to look at Hermione, with a look in his eyes. Hermione, who couldn't lie for her life, slowly nodded before quickly turning around to give her attention to anywhere but Remus'.

Remus' heart sank, and everything was slowly making sense. The lack of letters, the lack of enthusiasm in the words, talking about everything and anything but yourself - it started to make sense. You look back at your dad, who throws his arm over you and pull you tight to his side.

There was awkward tension when you arrived home, you knew what the plans were, that it wasn't to stay home for long before moving to the Order's base. But, you could cut the tension with a knife between you and Remus.

You barely leave your room, Remus would try to lure you out by watching reruns of your favourite shows, or even going out to the cinema to watch the latest movie. He wanted to do stuff with you to keep you preoccupied, anything or everything in the muggle world.

But nothing.

So, one morning, he knocks on your door and lets himself in, seeing you awake, just staring at nothing. He sighed as he creeps up to your bed and softly sits on it. Placing a gentle hand upon your hair. Your eyes move to him and his heart breaks - all he could see was fear. You're just a scared boy, you don't know much about this new situation.

"You know?" You asked so quietly, almost as if you were ashamed, Remus couldn't help but see himself in you, "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be," Remus reassured you, not wanting you to work yourself up, he continues to brush your hair with his hand, "There's nothing to be sorry for, it wasn't your fault, was it? It's not like you went wandering into the- you didn't did you?"

There was a light tease to his voice at the end, he knows you weren't wandering in the forest after curfew, it was just a little joke to make you smile. Which worked in Remus' favour.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really..." You murmured, "Not right now, can we do anything else?"

Remus chuckled and nodded, "Reruns of your show?"


Remus nodded, he stood up, ready to walk out of the room and find your show on the television. But, he couldn't help but stop at your doorway.

"You know, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what happened or what you do in life. Your dad will always be there."

Remus lingers for a second as your lips turn upwards into a smile.

"Thanks, dad."

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