👦❤️Part 1: Peter Pan❤️👦

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Chorus laughter and singing rang around the bonfire as the lost boys pranced around it; all lost in their own world of fun.

I stood a few feet away, watching the scene of half of the lost boys literally lose themselves to the dances whilst Pan laughed, clapping and chewing on a piece of dried pork as he sang along. 

It always gives me headaches about how loud and obnoxious they can be, and how every night they can spare so much energy after doing something dangerous with Pan that deserves all their needed attention. Though, I had to admit, it was funny seeing some of them trip over their own two feet and then get back up flustered and go back into dancing like nothing had happened. But as long as they were having fun and they aren't bothering me, I'm alright with it - except for the headaches of course.

I leaned against one of the large trees, arms crossed and head high, occasionally smirking and giggling at some of the weird noises they sometimes make. I could see Pan on the other side of the fire and dancing boys, the contours of his face alit from the flames that was dancing along, his smile and gleaming eyes onlooking proudly at the event playing in front of him. And it didn't take too long before those same proud eyes locked with mine; the proudness changing into one of favouring mischief, his smiling lips turning into a smirk.

If I thought hard enough at the emotion that was written over his face, I would've known what's exactly on his mind. But it wasn't too hard to figure out: the lust and mischief was portrayed obviously through the gaze he held on me, especially as he bit his lip in a smile before turning away to talk to Devon.

Ken was beside me, chatting away on how embarrassing it was when losing against Devon by tripping over his own staff. He was the newest lost boy to join and ever since he got here, he stuck to me like glue. And because of that, Pan wasn't really too kind to him; always putting him in situations where he knew Ken would make a fool of himself. But, I didn't mind, I actually enjoyed his presence. He was like a little brother to me. Though, Pan's bitterness towards Ken made me a bit distant. I didn't like the fact that Pan tried to humiliate Ken with every chance he gets.

I talked to him about it, but Pan is Pan, he doesn't listen unless he's getting something worthwhile. I knew he was strictly doing it on purpose just to see my reaction in the end, but as of late, his antics were becoming more prominent. I knew what his game was, and I wasn't going to play. There's always something with him; one game is never enough to satisfy him.

However, I was playing a game - just not his. It was my own game. Mine and Pan's relationship was different than any other relationship in the lost boys and any other companionship of Pan's. He thrived on the jokes and games he forces me to play, and he's ecstatic when I do. 

I hadn't told anyone about the game, knowing too well that any of them would go and tell Peter right away - even Ken. But It wasn't even meant for others to know. All I was going to do is make The Peter Pan jealous - simple really.

It was too weird to do it with Ken, so I've been hanging out with Felix more recently. Us two would flirt sometimes, though his flirting is more dry. There were occasional, lingering touches between two. And even though he flirted back, I knew he wasn't into me. And he knew it was the same with me. So, it was basically a little fun thing we did here and there. He didn't know about mine and Pan's relationship, if he did, he wouldn't even touch me at all. No one really knew about our relationship, Pan didn't want anyone to know; rather having it a secret for titles and his rank.

But I knew he would put on a show if he's gotten a certain way during a certain scene that played in front of him. Now, I didn't do anything bold just yet, but I was planning on doing it tonight if I get a good opportunity to do so.

It wasn't anything too serious: just talk to Felix with the look I'll usually give Pan, grab his hand and walk off. Very easy and simple.

But right now, Felix was nowhere to be seen or heard from. The only thing I knew was that the last person who talked to Felix was Pan. And it was just two days ago that I talked and saw him. I wasn't worried, I knew Pan wouldn't put his own friends in danger just because of a little jealousy. But, it was a bit troubling to follow out through with the plan.

It didn't bother me doing it another night when Felix was here, I don't mind waiting. I just wanted to have this thing over and done with. Unlike Pan, I never liked playing so many games.

But, I thought it was for the best, I was a bit tired from the fight with Hook and his crewmen just a few hours ago; not to mention my back and shoulders wasn't doing so much better. I was hungry also, I just didn't want anything to eat. I grew bored of the same tasteless muck Pan had some the lost boys make.

Yawning, I covered it up with MY hand before telling Ken I was going to head to bed, "O-oh, goodnight, (Y/n)!" I smiled and chuckled, giving his head a patting as I turned and walked out further into the thick woods. "Night, Ken."

The laughter and shouting grew distant as I continued my way out, preferring to sleep and keep my little shack at least half a mile away from all the chaos and ruckus. I rather liked the calmness and quietness the forest had to offer - let alone the stargazing of the lighting bugs playing out at night, and the lonely melody's the crickets made.

Pan never understood that feature of mine, always trying to get me back with the lost boys; going as far as to say that I'll need protection from Hook and his crew. As though I wasn't bigger and stronger then Pan himself.

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