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Top!Loki x Bottom!Femboy!Reader

You and Loki were dressing up for a party held at Stark's Tower. You both were dressed in all black. Loki's eyes raked over your form, a smile on his face. One of the things he loved about dating you was your style and the way that you dressed. You didn't dress like the stereotype of males in their early twenties. You were different. The black crop top, choker, fishnets, painted nails, skirt, and boots proved that. "Ready?" "Mhm." He took your hand and drove you to the location. You knew that you'd be here for a long time even after mostly everyone was gone. Everyone greeted the two of you when you walked in, providing compliments mostly towards you.

You could tell a lot of people liked certain things about Loki. They just wouldn't admit it because of what he'd done to New York. You didn't understand why they couldn't just forgive him and move on. He was mind controlled. It wasn't like he fully did that by himself because you knew that Loki never did what he did, not with a clear mind. You stayed close to Loki for the majority of the party then went away to get a drink when you saw Thor approaching. "Brother," he exclaimed. You could hear him from the bar and shook your head with amusement. "Hello." You heard the voice of Nat and turned.

"Hey. Oh my goodness. That dress is the most beautiful thing. It fits you well." Nat smiled, getting up to spin around. "I know right?" It was a red silk and lace dress with little black descents. Your eyes lingered a little too long on her figure and you prayed your boyfriend didn't notice. You knew he'd freak out. Music started playing and everyone began to get up. "Wanna dance?" You looked over to Loki who's eyes were already slightly dark from jealousy. "I think that Loki would mind." Nat sighed. "Nonsense. You know he knows how much you love him." You looked over at him again. "It's just, he's sensitive."

You hoped that Loki hadn't heard you. You knew he'd probably take it personally. You couldn't really blame him though. The trauma that he went through was quite excessive. Natasha seemed desperate and you had no clue why until you turned and saw Bruce dancing with some random girl. You took Nat's hand before finishing off your drink and took her to the dance floor. You couldn't help yourself. Nat was your best friend. You placed your arms around her, allowing her to grind on you as she pleased. You knew Loki would be enraged but you could care less.

Right now it was about her getting her sweet revenge and proving a point to Bruce. You looked across the room. Bruce looked pissed and so did Loki. "Is he looking," she whispered, still facing forward. "Yep, he's certainly looking. He looks like he'll be turning green any second." "Shit," she cursed. She turned around, allowing your hands to wrap around her. "He's about to come here," she commented. You didn't turn around but you felt a hand on your shoulder and by the person's scent, you knew it wasn't Bruce. It was Loki. "Pardon me but I need to speak with Y/N privately. It'll only take a moment." "Take all the time you need."

Loki's grip on your hand was firm as he walked into an empty hallway. "Have you forgotten your place or have you purposely done this?" You looked into his eyes. "Loki, you know I love you more than anything in the world and I'd never do anything to hurt you. She just needed someone to dance with so she could make Bruce jealous." "Oh I see. So you decided this occasion was appropriate for you to break my rules. Tell the truth or I will spare you no mercy when we get home." "Yes, Loki. I thought it'd be okay for me to do." He shook his head and sighed. "Darling, you have no idea how well I'm going to break you." Suddenly his lips were against yours and you reciprocated. The kiss was rough and lustful and Loki easily dominated it.

He tugged at your hair, making you moan as you became hot and bothered. He broke the kiss then cupped your chin before tilting it. He then whispered into your ear. "I want you to take your underwear off and give it to me before this party is over." He placed a kiss on your head then walked away. You hated how easily he could get you worked up. You were now painfully hard, palming yourself through your skirt to get it to soften some. You ended up giving up once it was just halfway gone. You took off your underwear and found something to put it in. You made your way back to the party watching Nat and Bruce kiss before she pulled his tie. You watched everyone else and settled on the conclusion that they were either drunk or tipsy.

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