WARNING: there is a daddy kink in this❤️
Bottom!Newt x Top!Reader
Newt's POV
Please. Please (Yn), please.
That was the last thing I remember. Now, I'm lay on a bed, blanket draped over me. I rub my eyes and sit up, My hands. My hands, the black, the sting. It's gone. I'm back to normal. I swing my legs over the side and look around. 'Looks like the medjacks hut.' I stood up and walked out of the hut. 'Where am I?' I looking around to see Minho, Thomas, Gally, Frypan and Ava, (Yn)'s sister, but there was no sign of (Yn), all sitting around a camp fire, only just realizing how dark it was.
I walk over to the group with Minho and Thomas giving me a hug and checking me over, the others all asking me how I was feeling. We talk for a bit and I went silent. I started to wonder, not only where the fuck (Yn) was, or where I had woken up, but also, how I survived? Everyone else that got stung died not long after. Why was I different?
"Hey guys?" I ask after being silent for a good minute or two. They all look at me, "what is this place and how did I survive?"
"This place is called the Safe Heaven," Minho replied.
"This is where every survivor of the mazes were brought to be safe from W.C.K.D," continued Gally.
"And you wanna know how you survived, huh?" Frypan asked me. I responded with a nod.
Ava spoke up, "I think you need to find (Yn) for that," she finished smirking.
I look at them, confused, "why do I need to ask (Yn) that?"
"It will all make sense when you ask him. Trust me," Thomas also said, smirking.
"Well, where is he then?" I ask and everyone looks towards the river. I look back at everyone and they all smirk. I walk of towards the river and yet, I still don't see (Yn), until I walk over the little hill before the sand is reached. I see (Yn) watching the river go by. He used to do that in the maze. You know, sit by the pond, with his feet in the water, forgetting about everything.
I walk over to him and sit next to him. A comfortable silent falls over us, all you can hear is the river. Out of the corner of my eye, I see (Yn) look over at me and smile. I catch his eyes, but he doesn't look away like he used to do, which makes me blush and instead makes me look away. He chuckles and put his arm around shoulders, pulling me into a hug and my head naturally falling onto his shoulder.
"I got told to ask you how I survived?" I said, breaking the silent.
"Oh of course they told you to come and ask me," he said, chuckling, "after you asked me to kill you, you passed out. I couldn't just sit there and watch you die so I thought of something crazy. I thought about the fact that the sting takes control of your mind but to get to the mind, it has to travels through the blood, so I cut my arm open and brought my arm to your mouth, making you drink my blood. After about 5 minutes, I was ready to give up but I saw the black fading from your face, so I kept doing it. Just as I was about to pass out from blood loss and you was nearly, fully, back to normal, Minho, Gally, Thomas, Frypan and Ava appeared with the cure, Minho and Thomas injected it into you while Frypan and Ava patched me up, making sure I was ok and Gally kept watch. Thomas and Minho picked you up and started to walk away so we followed behind, Ava by my side, making sure I didn't pass out. Jorge and Brenda found us and picked us up, bringing us here."
"They took us into that hut and patched me up properly but I wasn't allowed to see what they was doing to you and no one was allowed to see you for 3 days after it. I couldn't come and see you after that, not knowing what they had done to you so we couldn't see you for 3 days. Just knowing at the fact that there was a possibility you wouldn't even wake up made me not want to see you in anymore pain. It got late one night, everyone else was asleep, no one was meant to be awake, but I was. I built up the courage to go and see you, even though I wasn't meant to be in there. I saw you was looking better then when we was on the bridge and it made me smile. I stayed in there all night, holding your hand and eventually falling asleep. I woke up late that same day but no one kicked me out of the hut, even though there was others in there, everyone left me alone. And not even Minho or Thomas, Ava, Gally, Frypan, no one mentioned it. Everyone left me alone. That was this morning. That's probably what they was smirking at, huh?" He finished, finally meeting my eyes.

Smut And Fluff Of All Fandoms 😁
FanfictionThis book is for the most random things I think of. I normally get theses in my head when reading other peoples smuts and fluff and it makes random one to write in my own head (yes smut story appear in my head when I read other. I am weird like that...