As I walk down from school with my best friend, (Your friends name), we decided to head into a corner shop to get some snacks for our movie night. We walk in, grabbing some chocolate, crisps, drink, whatever we want really. We pay and continue our journey to their house. We head up the stairs and go to their run, pulling out the snacks and putting the first movie on.
After about 6 and a half hours of watching movies, we hear the apartments fire alarm going off. I grab my phone and realise it was die. "Shit."
"What's wrong?" Their ask.
"My phone is dead."
"I got mine taken off me." Their say just before their mom burst through the door telling us to move. We head towards the front door and they manage to get out but just before I can exit, a plank of wood falls in front of me, knocking me to the ground and making me hit my head on the floor. I wince in pain and look before me. There was no safe way of getting through.
"(Y/N)!!" I hear my friend shout.
"GO. GET YOURSELF OUT AND CALL FOR HELP!" I yell to them and they hurry out the building. I head back up to my friends room and go towards the window. Luckily for me, the fire hasn't spread this far yet. I open the window and I hear a loud bang behind me, making my ears ring and my head hurt. Next thing I know is I'm being picked up and we start swinging and I immediately know it's Spider-Man. We swing down to an alleyway and he puts me down. I open my eyes looking around for my friend and I could see them getting looked at. I turn back to the web swinger and smile.
"Thank you."
"It's what I'm here for, is it not?" He replies and I laugh.
"Right, can you see ok?" I nod, "ok, so, what's your name?"
"My name is Spider-Man and I pulled you out of a burning building just now, umm, cops are on their way and I just wanted to make sure you are alright. There is an ambulance on its way, there are quick a few already here so I don't know how long it's going to take. Are you in pain at all or?"
"I hit my head pretty hard in there."
"Ok, you was the last one I had to get out so."
"I can't hear you very well, your voice is muffled." I say, bringing my hand up too my head, rubbing it gently.
"Ok, I have a backpack over there with some supplies I keep with me in case I get badly injured so I'm going to grab that and I'll take a look at your ears while the ambulance makes it's way here." I nod.
"Ok, so you said my voice was muffled. Can you repeat back what I whisper into your ears?" I nod as he leans in close to my right ear and whispers a soft 'Spider-Man' and I repeat it back, he then leans into my left ear and whispers 'Avengers', again with me repeating it back.
He pointed out that there was a massive cut on my arm and said he was going to patch me up because the ambulance still hadn't arrived and said it would be best so I don't pass out from blood lost. I replied with ok because I'm used to being injured and having to stitch myself up, but I know I'm not in the right head space right now so it would be best to let him do it.
As he started to stitch me up he asked me some basic questions like, how old are you, what's today, the last thing you ate and drank, so on. "Hey, are you hungry, I've got some snacks in my bag if you want some?"
"No, Spidey, it's ok. They are yours for when you need them."
"I have loads, I promise, it's ok. Have some." I sigh and take some of the pretzels that he offered to me.

Smut And Fluff Of All Fandoms 😁
FanfictionThis book is for the most random things I think of. I normally get theses in my head when reading other peoples smuts and fluff and it makes random one to write in my own head (yes smut story appear in my head when I read other. I am weird like that...