You loved to spend your evenings in the library, the smell of ageing pages and vintage furniture always made you feel comfortable. Of course, you weren't just here to admire your surroundings, but to actually study.
Most of your classes you had, were with your boyfriend, Draco. And somehow, it became harder and harder to focus on classes and get work done. The two of you gossiping as your classes went on without you. Only truly focusing in your Potion's classes, too afraid to be faced with Snape's discipline.
That brings you to now, sitting behind a withering table on a just as old chair, as the lamp in front of you flickered ever-so-slightly. You lift your head, stretching your neck as you tear your eyes from the book that felt excruciatingly longer than it was, turning to your mumbling boyfriend.
His book laid open on the table and his hands were quick to copy the printed words onto a yellow-tinted parchment, the hushed words falling from his mouth as he wrote them. As he dips his quill, he glanced your way, noticing your eyes on him.
Leaving the quill in the inkwell, he faces you, a couple bones popping as he shifts out of his previously uncomfortable position. His eyes soften as they fall on you, a small tired smile creeping its way onto his face.
Your lips mimic his, it wasn't often you saw Draco this relaxed, it was truly a sight for sore eyes. It almost made you sad, his smile not as familiar as it used to be. You sigh, that wasn't a thought for now.
"I don't know how much longer I can do this before I either fall asleep or my hand falls off." He shakes his hand awake as he lets out a scoff, you chuckle, agreeing with him. "I can barely keep my eyes open anymore." You rub your palms against your aching eyes, trying to keep them open just a little longer.
"I say we take a break." He leans back in his chair as he crosses his arms. "We've been at this for hours." You hear a slight whine in his voice, you couldn't deny, a break sounded great right about now. You nod, bringing your arms above your head, exaggeratingly stretching as you groaned.
Once your arms dropped, you brought one to the boy beside you, resting your hand against his cheek. His eyes flutter shut as he digs himself further into your touch, his fingers wrapping around your wrist, bringing you closer.
A tense breath left his lips "I missed you, this." You let out a little chuckle. "We're with each other almost all day, every day." His eyes open back up to send you a playful glare, his other hand sending a soft hit to your leg. "You know what I meant. It's not often we get peaceful moments, like these, to ourselves."
You respond, a grin still slightly evident on your face. "I suppose this is nice, I can't say I haven't missed being with you, like this." Your thumb starts to draw little circles against his cold cheek. He hums, clearly enjoying the feeling of your warmer hand.
"You're truly gorgeous, Draco." You watch as pink starts to find its way on his face, his lips slightly twitching before he sunk into your shoulder. You both let out your own quiet laughs, his head dipping into the crook of your neck.
Your hand falls from his cheek, slowly grazing over his body before stopping against his lower back, your fingers twiddling with his loose robes. He follows your movements, bringing his arms around you and holding his hands against your own back.
"You're too kind to me." You feel Draco's smile against your neck as he talks. Your head starts to lightly shake as you whisper back to him. "Only as kind as you deserve." His head lifts back up, only a few inches from your face. "Thank you." You feel his light breath fan against your lips before he presses his lips against your own.
The kiss is chaste, full of love and longing as you tangle your hand into his hair, pulling him deeper into you. His hands reach to your neck, wrapping around before slightly pulling you lower into him. The both of you part, breathlessly gasping before reconnecting.
He slowly pulls away after a few seconds, his cheeks about as red as his swelling lips. A comforting silence fills the room as your fingers comb through his hair, brushing down the messy fly aways. Draco slightly hums at the touch, eyes falling shut again.
Draco sighs as he falls back into you. "How are you feeling, Love?" You gently scratch against his scalp before he mumbles against you. "Mhmm.. Just tired." You nod, slightly pulling him off of you.
"C'mere." You lean back as you tap your thighs. He dozily lifts out of his chair, taking a seat in your lap. You keep your torso tilted back as his body completely falls into yours, arms wrapped around your shoulders as he lays his head in your neck.
"Rest well, Draco." Your hand draws and lightly drags around his back, your lips placing a soft kiss against his forehead. He whispers back a "G'night" before you hear his light snores.

Smut And Fluff Of All Fandoms 😁
FanfictionThis book is for the most random things I think of. I normally get theses in my head when reading other peoples smuts and fluff and it makes random one to write in my own head (yes smut story appear in my head when I read other. I am weird like that...