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Thomas' POV

After my fight with Gally and shouting my name, me and Newt went back to sit down but this time facing the fire. I scan over everyone and notice a little girl running around. She couldn't be more then 7 years old. I watch as a group push one of them over to her. He starts to poke and prod at her, making fun off, and pulling at her hair. He laughs and I start to stand up.

"Woah, where you going mate?" Newt asks me, worried.

"He's picking on the little girl." I say, pointing over at her and him.

"Don't worry. She's already got protection."

"What do you mean?"

"Just watch."

I sat back down and watched as a really tall and sexy man walk over to him and spin him round so fast, he could've broke his neck. Next thing you know, he's lying on the floor, knocked out and with a broken nose, from said man, punching across the face.

"I thought we wasn't allowed to hurt other gladers?" I ask Newt with confusion.

"You're not, but that man has an excuse." Newt replied, all calm and not worrying.

"Why is he allowed and no one else?"

"Well, you see, that's his little sister, (her name). His name, by the way, is (Yn). He scary. No one really messes with him or her, otherwise they get punched, knocked out, broken nose, and locked in the pit by Alby until they admit that they were wrong."

I nod and look back over to the girl and see she is now picked up, with her legs wrapped around his waist, crying into his neck, as he hugs and comforts her. Alby shouts up and tells everyone to go to bed and getting the med jacks to put the boy in the hut to be looked at in the morning. 'He's also kind and caring, god, can this man get anymore perfect?'

About a week later, Thomas had been staring at (Yn) a lot.

As I'm working with Newt in the gardens, I hear shouting and look over to see the boys friends from last night, shouting at (Y/S/N :your sisters name). I look at Newt and he just shrugs it off but then he pauses and looks up at me.

"Oh shunk."

"What's wrong?"

"(Yn)'s a runner. He's running in the maze."

I immediately throw down my tools and run over to the boys and push them away from her, "what the hell do you think you're doing? Do you want to end up like your friend?"

"And what you gonna do about it greenie?" He said, getting into my face. I swing as hard as I can at the one boys face.

"That all you got greenie?" He shouts and everyone looks over. I punch him and push him to the ground. The other boy comes up to me and throws a punch but I dodge it and kick him in the stomach. They both stand up and step back a bit, "come on, let's go."

I put my hands down and turn around to look at the girl. I crouch down to her level and hug her tight, telling her it's ok and that (Yn) will be back soon. I pick her up and hold her close, looking up to see (Yn) and Minho coming back from the maze. Minho points out that I'm holding (Y/S/N) and (Yn) comes running straight over to me.

"What the shank happened?" (Yn) asks with concern and anger.

"Don't worry (Yn), Thomas took care of them." (Y/S/N) said, sniffing, reaching over to grab (Yn). He grabs her and holds her tight.

"Did he?"

"Yeah, he saved her. I've already had Gally and Frypan take them to the pit with James (I made him up, he was the first boy that picked on her.)" I turn around to see Alby and Newt stood next to me.

"Ok," he said looking at Alby before turning to me, "thank you."

"No problem." I say with a smile which he returns. Oh, he's hot.

"Right, Imma run off, I'll mark down where we went and you can look after her. I'll see you later." Minho said, patting (Yn) shoulder and rubbing (Y/s/n)'s head, making her look up at him and push him away while whining.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll see you later." And with that, Minho runs off, patting my shoulder as he runs past.

"Come on, Thomas. We've got work to finish." Newt says before slowly walking away with Alby.

"Actually, is it alright if I talk to Tommy for a bit?" (Yn) speaks up and Newt answers with a yes, "ok, follow me so we can talk with less people around." I nod and follow behind him. We walk through the woods up till we hit a pond and sit down leant up against the maze wall.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" I say, breaking the awkward silence with a slight blush on my face from being so close to him and almost alone.

"I wanted to know what happened from someone who might actually talk to me instead of whine and hide in my neck." He replies with his sister, whining, and getting comfortable in his lap.

"Well, all I heard was shouting and noticed that there was two boys yelling at (Y/s/n) so I looked at Newt. He shrugged his shoulders and then realised and told me you was a runner and that you was in the maze, so I stood up and ran over, pulling the boys away. I told them to leave her alone and they just shouted more so I punched the one and he said, 'is that all you got?' So I punched him again and pushed him to the ground. The other one came along and went to hit me, I dodged it and kicked him in the stomach before they backed away."

"Ok. Thank you for dealing with them, you didn't have too."

"No, honestly, it's ok." I say looking at my knuckles that are bruised. They hurt but it was worth it.

I turn to look at (Yn) and he's looking at my hands before reaching over to check them but we hear (y/s/n) say, "I don't wike it when you're in the maze..."

"It's ok little one, you can spend your time with Tommy now. He can protect you while I'm gone." He said with a smile on his face as he turns to me causing me to blush and look away. We hear the bell telling us it's dinner time and we see Newt appear in front of us.

"Dinners ready."

"We'll be right there." (Yn) says before (y/s/n) jumps off his lap over to Newt, holding his hand and walks off.

"How can I repay you for protecting her?" (Yn) says after we watch the two walk away.

"It's ok, I promise."

"I've seen the way you look at me you know."

My eyes widen in surprise, "w-what...?"

"Don't deny it. All I'm saying is if you have a crush on my that bad, then just kiss me." He stands up and starts to walk away. I sit staring into space for a minute before running after him.

"(Yn)!" I shout at me and he stops and turns around. We stand there staring at each other for a second before I lean up to kiss him. He returns the kiss and pulls me in by my waist, making me throw my arms around his neck. We break apart and he smiles and kisses my forehead. I hide in his neck, feeling my face heat up. He laughs and bring my face up to look at him.

"Hey, Tommy. Do you wanna... maybe give... what's it called... dating... a try...?"

"Does this answer the question?" I lean up and kiss him harder then before pulling him by his neck as he pulls my closer by my waist. Be break apart for the second time.

"Yes, yes it does." 

we walk out to dinner, hand in hand, as we walk over to Newt, Alby, Minho, (y/s/n) and Gally. We grab some food and sit down next to each other.

"Took you two long enough too get together." I hear (y/s/n) speak up before eating her food. I turn and hide my face in (Yn)'s neck and he just giggles.

"Yeah, he did make it a bit too obvious, didn't he?" (Yn) says and I just hit his arm as everyone laughs. I begin to eat my food while blushing.

'Did I really make it that obvious I liked him?'

"Yes, baby. You did." (Yn) reads my mind and kisses the side of my head.

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