1- new beginnings

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The fall breeze moved toward George as he wandered down the street back to his home. It was silent and then a crunch. He halted, and a squirrel scurried by. "Oh, just a squirrel" He let a breath out.

He began to walk quicker, having that judgment that somebody was watching him. It felt like the daylight was vanishing more quickly than previously. The street lamps flicker on and off before the stillness cane back.

George being paranoid, walked even faster, the entrance of his house presenting itself. The lights were completely off, indicating that his grandparents were already sleeping.

He slowly opened the gate and leaped on the gravel that guided him to a massive brown door. He attempted to twist the knob, but it was locked. He twirled quickly, hearing a noise come from the bush roughly 45 feet from him.

Dream zoomed in with his binoculars and crouched down in the bush, more anxious that the boy had seen him. He brushed that off, though, and focused on his mission.

George looked around one final time before hoisting a massive rock from the window garden, grabbing a key from it. He put it into the keyhole, opening up the door he put the key back in the fake rock, then walked inside.

As Dream strolled out of the bush, he could see the lights and voices shouting. "Dumbass got caught," Dream said aloud to himself.

He walked five blocks back to his apartment that was closing down, and that meant he and his roommate would have to find a different place to live and quickly, but the one issue was they had no money, and yes, maybe they could get jobs, but there was no way a job would pay enough in 2 weeks to buy or rent a place to live.

Dream opened the back door of the apartments and stepped in the stairwell because the elevator was always out of order it's been like that ever since Dream got there.

He walked up the three flights of stairs and down the red-rolled carpet to his apartment door 169 (nice). "Home sweet shit," Dream said, walking in.

"Ayo sap, you awake?" Dream yelled, throwing his binoculars on the kitchen counter. He roamed further into the apartment; Sapnap was lying on the sofa, probably napping.

Sapnap and Dream had known each other since their middle school days and have been best friends ever since. "Sapnap," He said, nudging him.

"Sapnap," he said a bit louder. Dream got furious and screamed one last time before losing his composure, shoving Sapnap off the couch.

Sapnap woke up and scratched his head, looking up at Dream. "Broo, not cool"

"Sorry, you wouldn't wake up" He held out his hand to assist him up. Sapnap accepted it, getting back onto the sofa. "So, what do you want."

"Well, I have a proposal to get us out of this dingy apartment out of this crappy town."

"Okay, it better not be some absurd shit, Dream you know what happened last time with-"

"Yes, yes, I know no need to rub the salt in the wound. Okay, hear me out, what if we robbed the wealthiest people in town and then sold everything at a pawn shop. Can you think of how much we would get?" Dream said, sounding very serious.

"Yeah, I can, a free ticket to prison. Are you crazy,"

"No, no, I have been watching them for the past month. I know where are the exits and the entrances are. Oh, even the spare house key,"

"Are we gonna skip over the part about you have been watching these people"

"Okay, I know it sounds bizarre, but I promise this will work. The only people that live there are an old ass couple and their grandson, I am assuming,"

"I'll make a deal with you if I can be the getaway driver, and you grab all the stuff; I'll do your crazy ass plan."

Dreams face lit up "really, oh fuck yeah. Okay, so I have their schedules memorized, so the grandparents go to bingo night every Friday at 10 am and the boy, I'm guessing go to college because he always has a backpack on and a school logo which is just a few miles out of the city. I searched it up, and it is a community college."

"Wow, he's rich but goes to a community college; what a loser."

"I don't know, maybe his friends go there or something- you know what, that's not important, you're getting off-topic."

Dream and Sapnap made their plan to wait until all of them were out of the house, park their car around the back; Dream would go in through the front after snatching the spare key from the rock. Then he would hold the most expensive things in the house. He would go back to the car; they would drive off to another state and sell everything.

Well, at least they wanted that to be the plan. Stuff doesn't always work how you want to do it now. "Okay, now that we sorted that out, can I go back to bed, please."

"Fine, but you better be up bright and early," Dream sternly said.

"Yes, yes, how about you go get some sleep too."

"Okay, I will. Goodnight Sap"

Dream turned off the lights walking into the only bathroom in the house. He locked the door even though he didn't have to. Instinct, I guess. He opened the mirror. He grabbed his purple toothbrush and toothpaste, twisting off the cap laying a fat glob on it.

He shut the mirror and scanned himself the way his eyebrows tilted at the end, the way his nose curved, the way his freckles were plastered around his cheeks. He went back to brushing his teeth. He spit a slimy white hunk from his mouth into the sink.

Dream wiped the excess toothpaste in the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and walked out of the bathroom to his bedroom, which was just across the way. He slipped off his shirt, laying down on the half-blown-up air mattress that was placed on the floor under the singular window that was in his room.

Dream did not have the money for anything in his room beside an air mattress and a dresser. The moon shined in, illustrating the old wallpaper that was peeling off.

He didn't remember when but his eyes shut or when he fell into a deep slumber. Until the rays of sunlight busted in his room, that going right into his eyes. "Welp, here's this is it," Dream warned himself.


Word count 1197

So yes, this is very different from how I started it off last time; for starters, Sapnap is not dead this time. Anyways I hope I get this done a lot faster than Mr. Professor because four months was so long it was just because a lot of things came up, so yeah, anyway, have a good day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small I love you byeeeeeee.

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