2- dark times

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Dream searched in his closet for things he wanted to bring with him for his new life. He noticed a white mask on the top shelf; Dream got on his tiptoes to take hold of it, but the show ended up falling, making an audible thud and a fraction of it came off.

He bent over to pick it up, and then it came back to him it was the mask from his Halloween costume nine years ago. The smiley face was painted on the front, and the homemade strap was a belt on the back.

He shoved the mask in his bag and shut his closet door. "Hey, Sapnap, are you ready-"

Dream glared at Sapnap with deadeyes. "Sapnap, why are you not ready."

He looked up unhurriedly "because dude, I'm nervous. What if something goes wrong, then we're throwing out life away."

Dream sat down on the couch "dude, relax, I assure you nothing bad will happen. Now get what you want to bring with you, and let's get going."

Sapnap sighed. Getting up, he went to the corner of the living room as that's where all his stuff was because the apartment was only a one-bedroom, and Dream being dream got it.

Sapnap grabbed a bag, stuffing some clothes into it and nothing else. Dream observed him mercifully stuff clothes into his brown leather bag. "Sap, I think you have enough."

Sapnap spun swiftly "fine; I'm ready" he flung the bag over his shoulder, dream grabbed his key, taking the apartment one-off. They walked out left the door unlocked. For one of the last times, they looked at the elevator that had the same old sign on it and headed to the stairwell.

They entered the lobby; dream paused, then placed the key next to the front office door. Dream and Sapnap walked to their car. As the time came to go to the big house, dreams heart began to pump faster, almost fast enough to hear it.

He started the car up, securing his bag in his lap. "Dream, you're not like the slightest worried at all."

"What no, I want to do this, and if we do, we can start a new life, a life we deserve." Dream looked at sap and then back at the road. "Stop worrying so much... Tough guy."

Sapnap brushed Dreams shoulder. I told you not to call me that. "What would you prefer, little princess."

Sapnap kept a straight face. "Oh, come on, lighten up."


Dream and Sapnap pulled around the house to the back. The neighborhood was quiet, the occasional bark from a dog locked in the back yard. Goal pulled out his mask, putting it over his face. The only way he could see was two tiny holes. Sapnap tightened the belt strap for Dream. The dream took a deep breath and got out of the car, shutting the car door behind him.

He tiptoed to the medium-height metal gate. He used all his strength to jump over it. He got to the top, jumping with no thought. He landed with a thud, and his ankle started to throb. "Ahh shit," he cursed under his breath.

He ignored the pain, though. Dream pewter on the front corner to ensure the grandparents' car was gone. After confirming it was, he slyly walked to where he knew the extra house key was.

After retrieving it, to walk back to the other side of the house, where no one could see him, he walked up the stairs onto the back patio. He twisted the doorknob, you know, for good measure.

He placed the key into the keyhole it went in smoothly. The door opened with a creak, and then his eyes were blessed with the sight of the beautiful home.

There were paintings lined with gold, marble floors, crystals, and diamonds on shelves. His head turned to a family photo of the boy he knows lives her sitting between his grandparents. It was perfectly centered on the fireplace. He walked into the house more, exploring the wide variety of rooms.

He got so lost in its fanciness has he almost forgot what he was there for. He walked into the living another family photo he guessed was sitting on the coffee table. Dream picked it up to examine it, this time, the boy was a baby, and a younger couple held him. He smiled about to put it down, but it slipped out of his hands onto the floor.

The glass of the framed cracked, and the photo fell out of it. "Oh no," Dream said. He tried to kick the glass under the couch. Then behind him, a voice said, " take off the mask, just give up the cops are on their way."

Dream slowly put his hands up, turning around to face the voice. He was faced with a much shorter boy, short dark brown hair, and mysterious brown eyes. The dude wasn't even armed, and he was no match for Dream.

Dream put his arms down. "I don't want to hurt you," The boy shouted. "You think you can beat me," Dream said.

The boy was a little taken back from that threat. The boy looked around, his hand going toward the glass vase on the side table. He picked it up and hit the dreams mask off, exposing his face.

Dream looked down at the now two pieces of his mask. He looked back up at the boy as he took another swing. Plan caught his arm, twisting it around. He could feel the boy's arm shaking.

He dropped to his knees in pain. The vase also fell out of his hands. "Now, do you think you're a match for me" Dream picked up the pieces of his mask? "Now that you've seen my face, your coming with me. Hope your grandparents don't mind."

"How do you know I live with my grandparents" he yelled.

"I don't know, lucky guess" Dream had a devilish look plastered on his face. He picked the boy up, throwing him over his shoulder. "You scream or anything. I will not hesitate to hurt you now."

Dream run out the backdoor going around to the front, not wanting to hop the gate again. He heard cop sirens not too far away. He ran faster to the car; he got in the back as he threw the boy in too.

"Get in the driver's seat and floor it to the woods," He yelled.

"But who is this-"

"No time for questions now, just fucking start the car."

Sapnap moved into the driver's seat and followed Dream instructions driving into the dark and Erie woods.


Word count 1162

I swear I would have posted this sooner, but it sometimes came up. Thanks for a hundred reads; anyways, I hope you have a great day or night and get something to eat or drink, even if it's something small I love you byeeeeeee.

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