7- taste testing

865 21 40

A/N: so there may or may not be more SMUT in this chapter honestly depends on how I feel or if I feel like it fits the mood, but you know things may change, anyways enjoy. ||

Dream took George outside around to the back, where a water hole was. The hole wasn't that deep, approximately 10 feet or so. Dream took an old bucket scooping up some of the water.

He dipped his fingers into the brownish water, wiping the rest off on his shirt. "It might be a little cold," He warned.

George had a blank expression as he held his side tightly. "Ugh, can you lift your shirt" George did as he was told; he slowly lifted his shirt?

Dream raised an eyebrow as his steady arm reached for George. He streamed his hand down his ribcage. George looked down at his hand; he grabbed it, squeezing his warm fingers tightly.

Dream took a breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go that far. I swear it was meant for the video to get more money, but I guess I got too into it," Dream went on.

George dropped his hand. "Money? I told you if you let me go, I'll get you all the money you want. Please just let me go."

"I told you already, I have a plan, and I'm sticking to it" he raised his voice a little. Dream shook his head in frustration "you know what? Just drop it."

"Come closer so I can do this."

George stepped forward, allowing Dream to dump the cold bucket of water over his head. Due to the cold, George started to shake.

Dream moved the hairs that were water glued to Georges's face. He moved his eyes up, meeting Dreams—awe how he wanted to stare into them forevermore.

Dream moved his hand back on George's head, forming a bump. "I'm sorry, I just got carried away. I know at this point I sound like a broken record."

George swished his lips around. "Can we go inside now" his teeth chattered every word.

Dream nodded "yeah, let's get you back into my sweater. Besides the warmness, it also looks cute on you."


Dream plopped on the couch, Sapnap came over doing the same. Drive slid his hand down his face "Sapnap if we're both on this couch, who the hell is watching George."

"Dream, relax. He would have to get threw us first anyways. No, seriously, what's your problem."

He sighed. "Maybe this was a bad plan, and maybe we shouldn't have done. If we get caught, you know how long we would be in prison. Don't you even get me started-"

A pair of lips pressed against his; Dream pulled back almost immediately. "What are you doing" Dream asked.

"I- I don't you know you wouldn't stop talking" Sapnap raised a shoulder. "Why'd you pull back so quickly? Am I that bad of a kisser" He frowned?

"No, sap, it's not that it's um."

"What is it then."

Dream had no reason except it felt different from when they did this or when they got together. It wasn't familiar the comfort that Dream put on Sapnap was slipping away. "I don't know," He admitted

"I'm sorry. I should go watch George" Sapnap rubbed his neck.

"NO" Dream shouted, "how about I do it I instead."

"Um, okay then."

Dream hurdled off the couch and up the stairs. He twisted the cold doorknob walking into the room. George was sitting in a corner. His knees and arms are inside of Dreams sweater.

George cocked his head. His eyes went pale. Not knowing if Dream was going to do what he did this morning to him again. "Um, I'm just here to watch you, I promise."

George opened his mouth "please, just let me go. I'll get you all the money you want. Come- come on 10k, 11k, 12k. Pick one anything, just let me go."

Dream mouth went into a straight line "oh come on now, George, how many times do I have to say I'm not going to answer your pleading calls. Just shut the fuck up. I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO."

George turned back around in despair and frustration, looking at the blank wall, the pilling wallpaper, the coffee stains everywhere, burying his head into his knees. Dream reached out to him but pulled back. "Wait," Dream thought to himself. "Do I feel bad for this kid but... But I'm supposed to be tough and-"

Dream stopped and looked at George. He could hear silent sobs and an occasional nose sniffle.

"George, look, I swear I will not let you get hurt, not by me or not by Sapnap, but if you keep throwing the money thing in my face, things might get a lot harder for you."

George looked back at him; his eyes were red. Dream kneeled and cupped George's face. They stared into each other's eyes until the door opened.

"Dream, what the fuck. Get your ass out here now!" Sapnap waved his hand back quickly.


Word count 965

Okay, yes, another short (kinda) chapter. I'm sorry, but I think next chapter I'm going to dive into George's point of view and his thoughts on this but not in the first-person type of way because I don't like it in the first person buuuuut on other news, I think I'm going to be homeschooled, so I probably have more time to write I have no excuse for why I haven't updated I just had prominent writer's block double buuut anyways I hope you have a great day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small I love you byeeeeeee.

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