8- addicted to you

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(if this is a little confusing, I rewrite the last little bit of chapter 7, so if you want to go back and read that if you wish to, anyways enjoy)

"Dream what the fuck- I'm going to have to cut you off or something."

"What do you mean by that?" Dream placed his hand on his hip. "What I mean is you're getting out of hand flirting with him. I mean, come on, get a fucking hold of yourself" Sapnap took a breath "well, what I came up here for in the first place was to tell you that we need food, and since you can't seem to keep your dick in your pants you're going to get some"

Sapnap shuffled around in his pocket, pulling out a crinkled $20 bill shoving it into Dreams chest. "There and for now, I'll be watching him. He's supposed not to like you; you are supposed to be the bad guy here. Are you going soft for him because God only knows that you're not soft in some places right now"

The dream didn't say anything. He rushed down the stairs slamming the door on the way out. Sapnap put the finger up at him. "Gosh, he can be such an ass sometimes," he whispered to himself.

Sapnap walked into the room. It was dark and cold. George's head turned fast "no, I'm not Dream" Sapnap said, rolling his eyes. George planted his head back into his knees. "You know about Dream? You guys haven't done anything else other than that one time, have you?"

George stayed silent. "Hey, I'm talking to you, answer the fucking question" Sapnap walked closer, nudging him on the shoulder. "FUCKING ANSWER ME" he yelled, slamming his head into the wall.

"No, no, we haven't."

Sapnap loosened his grip on his head. "Well, I guess that was your first and last time with him then."

"What do you mean by that? Does that mean I'm going home?" George said, pushing his shoulder blades back. "No, not quite. It just means you won't be seeing Dream for a while."


"You know what" Sapnap pushed his head harder into the wall. "I liked it better when you didn't ask as many questions. How about you just shut up for now."

"But you yelled at me earlier for being too quiet."

"Yeah, and now I don't need you to, so shh."

"Yeah, but you were saying that-"

Sapnap exhaled loudly. "OKAY NOW, I'M SAYING TO SHUT UP" He lifted George's head and slammed it into the wall leaving him unconscious. Sapnap dropped him, backing up slowly.

"Oh, shit," he cursed under his breath. "Oh shit, oh shit" Sapnap walked back over to George's stale body.

He got down to his level "Georg... George" Sapnap violently shook him from side to side. Slapping his face and he put his head on his chest. "Oh, thank goodness" Sapnap sat fully against the wall with his head resting in his knees.

He raised his head, revealing one eye. He moved his hand onto George's arm; he pulled him closer to the point they were side to side. Eventually, George's head fell onto Sapnap's shoulder. His eyes widened, and he tensed up before slowly putting his head on top.


Dream walked into the cabin, and he looked up the stairway. It was quiet, and there was no light being let in. He set down the two bags on the floor by the kitchen.

"Sapnap?" he said, peeking his head into the hall. "Sapnap?" He creaked open the door that George was always in. He was a little taken back from seeing George and Sapnap sleeping together.

"Oh hell Nah," Dream whispered. Sapnap's eyes cluttered, he stretched out his legs, and when his eyes focused, they focused on dream standing at the doorway.

Sapnap stood up as fast as he could. George fell onto the wood paneling with a thud "what is this" Dream said calmly.

"It's not what it looks like; I swear" George looked up with his squinted eyes looking at the two bickerings. "Dream, I can promise you we did nothing, and even if we did, why would you care."

Dream eyebrow raised "so you did then"

"Maybe, maybe not, I guess you'll never know," Sapnap teased him.

"George, what the fuck"

George sat up, rubbing his templates. "I didn't do anything, I swear, but my head hurts like crazy."

"Mhhh Sapnap, can we maybe talk out here" Dream backed out the doorway holding the door over for Sap.

Dream stood on the first stair on the case. "Okay, what"

"What did you do to him? Did you guys do something together, or are you just being a huge dick because you didn't get yours sucked, hmm?"

"Dream, you know I have no trouble with that, as I said before, we may have, or we have may not."

Dream pulled Sapnap close by his collar "Woah, Dream back off, buddy" Sapnap put his hand, and he was trying to loosen his grip. "Tell me the truth," Dream spat in his face.

"No, fuck you" Sapnap pushed Dream off of him. He lost his balance, tumbling down the stairs. He landed at the bottom with his legs limp.

"Oh, shit, not again" Sapnap rushed down the stairs. He sat down next to him shaking him "Dream? Dream? Wake up if this is a prank, it's not funny" a red pool formed around his head. Sapnap lifted him into his lap.

"Please wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up," he repeated, blinking back tears "please?"



An excellent place to stop if you ask me, ok ok ok, it's been so long since I've updated, and I was gone for 20 days, and all I can put out is a short chapter?!? Well, let's say December was not it for me, but it is Christmas tomorrow or today depending on where you are, and if you don't celebrate Christmas or celebrate something else, I hope you had or have a fantastic day with that. I hope you have a great day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small I love you byeeeeeee

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