6- bites and bruises

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So I took a different turn with this, so in this chapter, there is some physical abuse, so I just wanted to warn you ||


"Do you mind if I stay?" A voice said from the door. George shot up from the floor. "Dream?" He consulted. "Well, if it is, go away."

A line constructed in Dreams forehead. "Fuck you then" He slammed the door behind him. George laid back down, letting out a breath. He stared at the ceiling rustling around before shutting his eyes


Sapnap rushed downstairs to wake up Dream on the couch. "Dream, Dream, wake your ass up. We got an offer from the boy's grandparents." 

"Oh .really?" Dream said, his voice slightly hoarse from just waking up. He rubbed his eyes, sitting up on the couch. "So, how much exactly?"

"They said if we return him and promise not to injure their little boy, they'll give 5k."

Dreams face declined. "What that's it, no no, that's not enough we'll need more. You know what, I'll show those old fucks. I'll be right back."

"Wait, where are you- " Sapnap was cut off because Dream was already up and out the door. 

He returned with his mask that was cracked down the middle. He placed it on his face and fastened the belt on the back. "C'mon, bring your phone and press record," he said muffled

Dream ran up the stairs, and Sapnap tried to keep up with him. He kicked open the door, and George bolted up. "So your little grandparents don't care enough about you, only five grand. What a joke" He spat

He pulled George up by his hair, slinging him against the wall. "They say they don't want you hurt, and I can make that compromise, but.." Dream slammed George's head against the wall.

"But if they want that, they'll need to raise that price" Dream placed his hand on Georges's throat, then he looked directly into the camera "so what will it be, do you want your little boy sent to you, not in one piece or what." 

Sapnap's eyes widened; he shook his trying to signal dream to stop. Dream kneed George and the ribs "uh, is this what you want?" Dream threw George onto the ground.

George started to gasp, he tried to crawl away from him, but unfortunately, dream hovered above him and grabbed his arms, pulling them behind him. "DREAM STOP" George yelled.

"Beg for it louder" dream sat on George.

Sapnap stopped the video "hey, what the fuck? Why'd you stopped recording" Dream cocked his head?

"Because you took it too far," Sapnap explained, "I'll just send them what we have okay, no need to do anything else."

Dream let go of George and took off his mask. He threw it towards Sapnap. "Fine, I'll help get him cleaned up then."

Sapnap's nose furrowed. "Dream I swear to fuck if you-" 

"Sapnap, I want to help him, okay. I'm not going to do anything like that. I thought about what you said, and you were right."

"Okay, whatever," Sapnap said as he walked out of the room. Dream got off of George. "C'mon, let's go outside so I can help get you cleaned up" he held out a hand towards George.


Word count 640

So yes, this chapter is way shorter than I usually have it, but it's like noon, and I have school tomorrow, and I just wanted to finish it, so update nonetheless, but I'll probably put on another update sometime this week. I also have finals coming up, so I have to study for that too, so yeah, but anyway, have a good day or night and get something to eat or drink. Even if it's something small, I love you byeeeeeee.

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