4- late nights and early mornings

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After the three of them finished up dinner, Dream led George back up stairs to the room he was holding him hostage in.

"You know you can go to bed" Dream said shutting the door.

"The beds uncomfortable" George said quietly.

"Well I'm sleeping in my car so I wouldn't be complaining"

"Why are you doing this"

Dream didn't say anything for a minute "uh well I need money. You and your family were the riches people in town the original plan was to rob you, but you didn't go to school that day and you decided to knock my mask off. You saw my face so I couldn't risk anything"

"What are you going to do with me"

"I'm going to sell you back to your grandparents but if you tell the police that you saw my face or my buddy's downstairs, things will get ugly"

"Okay, okay we can go back and Ill- I'll get you all the money you want. Just let me go please"

"Hmm no, not yet" Dream said "now how about you go to bed"

George went straight faced, but obliged he laid down on the floor not really trusting the bed. He turned his head around to check if Dream was looking at him when he did him and Dream made direct eye contact.

He quickly turned around, looking at the darkness from under the bed. "Um do you have a blanket?" George asked

Dream sighed he lifted up his sweatshirt and threw it at George "thanks" he said quietly.

George sat up to put it on, the sweatshirt was a little oversized and smelled very strongly of Dreams scent. He laid backed down using his arms as a pillow. Let's just say that was the worst night's sleep he ever got.

When George woke up it took him a second to realize where he was. He scurried up and saw that Dream was not at the door anymore it was the other guy.

George rubbed is eyes, then opened his mouth "wheres the other guy"

"He went to bed, why are you wearing his sweatshirt fucking weirdo" Sapnap said.

"You know I like the other guy better than you"

Sapnap raised his eyebrow. "Well you're not supposed to like us, we are your kidnappers and-"

Sapnap looked at the sound of the door opening. Dream walked in "hey are you ready to switch"

"Yeah yeah" Sapnap looked back at George "you're lucky he came in" Sapnap smirked at him.

George pulled his collar away from his neck, pulling it back and forth the wind that formed hitting him in the face. "Um okay how about you go and make some breakfast and please were trying to keep our hostage alive" Dream said pushing Sapnap out the door.

"Umm can we can to the back I have to go to the bathroom" George smiled.

"Yeah yeah, let's go"

Just for go measure dream held Georges hands twisted behind his back, down the stairs and out to the back of the house. It was so early in the morning that the sun has not rising yet. Meaning that through the thick morning fog and the dark they could barely see anything in front of them.

George finished doing his business and went to walk to dream who was only a couple feet away, but he stop thinking Dream couldn't see him because he couldn't see Dream (logic).

George slowly walked backwards thinking he could make an escape. When he turned the corner of the house he sprinted. When he was on the dirt trail he heard a extra pair of footsteps behind him.

He sped up and did not look backwards, he was too scared. He didn't want to risk it being Dream. George ran until he just couldn't do it anymore, he stopped and looked around him. It was quiet he spun around and around to check on all sides to make sure no one was with him.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the sleeve of Dreams sweater that he forgot he was wearing. "Oh shit" George cursed under his breath. While occupied trying to unzip the hoodie he didn't notice Dream sneak up on him.

Dream jumped on him, George clung yo the ground. He tried to push up to Dream off of him, but Dream was too strong. Dream inched closer to his face. "So you were just gonna run off" Dream spat "that was a bad idea now I trust you less and now things will be a lot harder for you"

Dream could hear the heartbeat of George. He looked down at his chest. "Scared are you" Dream said a devilish smile creeping up on his face.

"Fuck you" George spit in his face. Dream closed on of his eyes and wiped the spit from his face. "Oh so now you're Mr. Tough guy, well think again you're just a little wimp"

George didn't say anything, he grabbed Dreams collar, tightening around his throat and making his face a lot closer to his. "George you don't want to do this, just let go and maybe I won't punish you as bad.

George pulled him even closer, but it was different this time George could hear Dreams heart thump faster, his face getting red. "George I'm serious fucking stop" Dream took one his hands trying to pry George's hands of his collar.

He managed to split his hands off and nailed them to ground. George's eyes went wide. "Yeah not so confident now are you"

Dream let go off one of his hands and used his free hand to grab Georges collar, he got close to his face inched from his lips. George lifted up his head grazing Dreams lips with his.

Dream smiled and went to his ear, whispering in it "how we get back and I'll determine how much trouble you're in" Dream got off of the ground wiping the dirt from his knees. He bent over to pick George up. Making his way back to the cabin.


Word count 1060

Not much to say but things are getting um they're getting somewhere let's just say that wink wink hint hint, anyways have a good day or night and get something to eat or drink even if it's something small I love you too byeeeeeee.

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