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Hi guys,this is my first time writing a werewolf book,and I hope u love it. Images used doesn't belong to me,all are retrieved from the internet.
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Thanks for clicking this book,hope u enjoy it.have a nice time.

Blue's POV:

I turned to the other side as sunlight streamed in through my closed window.

Ann was fond of this, this was her way of telling me to get my ass of the bed.she was always annoying me to the core.

I pulled the bed sheet over my head but it only made me uncomfortable.

"Ann,close the curtains, it's too bright".I screamed getting frustrated with the whole situation.

"Stop screaming,I'm right behind you girl" I heard her soft voice coming from the other side of the room.

Flipping the covers i stared daggers at her only to find her back turned to me,I watched as she applied a lighter shade of pink to her lips.

I stared at her reflection in the mirror and I felt something prick In my heart, memories flooding in as she smiled at me through the mirror.i turned away gathering my thoughts as I felt my anger turning into sadness.

"You know,you don't have to open the curtains,you are annoying".I part screamed trying hard not to show my anger,but she seemed to have picked up on it.

I could see her smile falter through the mirror but it vanished, immediately replaced by a wide grin.

"But that's the only way to wake you up girl,you know tapping you or calling your name won't are a dead sleeper",she giggled looking at me through the mirror.

"But there's nothing to wake up to",I retorted,I glared at her reflection and I saw a look of pain on her face,this one she didn't hide.she looked down, closing the lip gloss and placing it back with the others.

I pushed the covers away,guilt eating at me as her hurt face hunted my mind.i placed my foot  down the cold floor and headed  towards the door that led to the bathroom, feeling my throat constrict as the tears I was trying to hold back was threatening to spill.

"I'll be downstairs"she said standing looking at herself one more time and heading for the door.

Entering into the bathroom,I slammed the door resting my head against it,I heard the door to our room close and I knew she had left.

I let my arms fall as i slid down to the ground, bringing my knees to myself I let my tears fall, letting it shake my entire being as I cried my heart out.

I walked out of the bathroom looking worse than I had entered, heading for the closet,I took a black hoodie pairing it with jeans.

Heading past the dresser,I stopped Midway as I saw my reflection in the mirror.i came closer looking at my messy hair.sitting slowly I picked up the brush, staring at my reflection brought memories back,I remembered brushing my hair and yelling at Ann to get off the bed,now it was the other way around.brushing my hair,I stared at the lipgloss.

It won't hurt doing it again

I picked up the lipgloss, applying it to my lips, wearing my comfy slippers I stared at my reflection once again.what I saw was a beautiful female but I knew that deep down was a lost girl.

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