Life after Shangyi School

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[Two years later after the ending of episode 24]

At the Yang Mansion…

Yiyi arrived home late. It was a busy day at the Five Flavors Restaurant. She found her husband waiting for her, no surprise with a book in hand.
“I’m home.”
“Welcome back.”
“I’m sorry I came home late.”
“It’s okay. Are you tired?”
“A little.”
“Then wash up so you can take rest already.”
“Is that your way of saying I smell bad?”
“Well, you do.”
“Stinky tofu. I know.”
Zian brushed the side of her head, smiling.
“Alright, alright. I’m washing up.”
When Yiyi left, Zian’s mind wandered back to his meeting with the emperor that afternoon.

“You summoned me, Your Majesty.” Zian bowed in respect to the Emperor.
“Zian, it’s been a while since I’ve played weiqi with you. Would you grant this old man’s request for a game or two?”
“As you wish, Your Majesty.”
On their third game, Zian thought it was time to get to the bottom for the reason why he was summoned to the palace.
“Your Majesty, was there any other reason besides playing weiqi that you summoned me here?” He asked.
The emperor chuckled. “As expected, you know me so well.”
Zian bowed his head.
The emperor turned serious. “Zian, it’s been three years since you’ve given up the position of Imperial Censor. Are you not interested anymore in working in the imperial court? Does your father’s crimes bother you?”
“Your Majesty, it is still my desire to serve the Great Yu empire,” Zian said passionately. “As for my father’s crimes, I know you’ve punished him already and our Yang family has been pardoned. The people knows that I am not anything like my father. So it does not bother me at all,” he paused, “but I made a promise to my wife. A promise I want to fulfill as long as I am alive.”
The emperor smiled. “A nobleman through and through.” A moment of silence briefly passed. “Xinyuan tells me that Five Flavors Restaurant is booming and attracts many visitors in the city.”
“I am pleased you’ve found a capable wife Zian. I may act like I’ve abandoned my late older brother’s child but the truth is I was glad to find out it was Shen Dieyi. Her achievements when she attended Shangyi School have brought me pride and joy. That the purpose I set up Shangyi School was met in you and in Shen Dieyi. Of course, I am still the Emperor and no emperor is above the law. I had to do what I needed to do.”
“Your Majesty, in behalf of Shen Dieyi, I want to tell you that there was no hurt feelings when she was expelled. She is in fact very grateful that her punishment wasn’t severe.” Zian almost revealed to the emperor that Shen Dieyi is not at all Shen Dieyi but Shen Yiyi. Therefore, Shen Yiyi was not the emperor’s niece. Fortunately, he had stopped himself before making things even more complicated as it is. Nowadays, his wife Shen Yiyi is commonly known as Shen Dieyi and it was also the name recorded in the marriage certificate. But in private Zian preferred to address his wife by her real name - Yiyi.
“How can I punish her when she has done so much for the empire?” The emperor chuckled. “Shen Dieyi is a remarkable woman.”
Zian bowed again.
“So what should an old emperor like me have to do to convince you to take a position in the imperial court?”
Zian felt embarrassed. “I apologize Your Majesty.” He knelt and bowed really low.
The emperor waved his hand for Zian to get up who returned to his sitting position.
“I am old and have been ill for sometime now. The Crown Prince is young and inexperienced. When he takes over the throne from me, he will need people who are capable and above all, whom he can trust within the imperial court. You and my son have been friends since you were attending the Shangyi School. There’s no better person I’d trust with my life to help Xinyuan than you. With you as the Prime Minister, I can die in peace knowing the empire is in good hands.”
“Your Majesty, you think too much and too highly of your servant.”
“Just give me your word that you will consider this carefully.”
“I will, Your Majesty.”
“Now, let’s just enjoy the game.”

“Zian?” Yiyi’s voice brought him back to the present. “Are you okay?”
“Ha?” He glanced at her. “Yes, just thinking.”
“Is it about your meeting with the emperor today?”
“What does His Majesty want with you?”
Zian hesitated telling her.
“Yiyi, before we got married I promised you that I would follow you wherever you go.”
“You did.”
“I’m afraid I may have to break that promise.”
“What do you mean?”
“The emperor wants me to take the position of Prime Minister.”
“Really? That’s great!”
“You think so?”
“Of course.”
“But if I take the position, I’d be breaking my promise to you.”
“You’re worried about that? You silly stinky tofu.”
“Then you’re not mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad? I’d be very happy actually. Also lately, I can sense that you’re getting tired helping at the restaurant.”
“You’ve noticed that?”
“Of course. You’re my husband and I’m your wife.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. I know that in your heart of hearts you still wish to serve the empire and its people.”
“I do.”
“Then tomorrow tell the emperor that you’re taking the position.”
“I will. Thank you.”
“So can we go to sleep now?”
“Is that an invitation Mrs. Yang?”
Yiyi pinched his cheeks. “I’m tired. We’re only going to sleep.”
Zian chuckled.

A week later at the Five Flavors Restaurant…

“Tang Tang!” exclaimed Dieyi. “What brings you here at this hour?”
“Dieyi!” greeted Tang Jiuhua. “I just dropped by to congratulate you.”
“Ah, yes, Zian’s appointment.”
Jiuhua nodded. “We must get together and celebrate.”
“Of course. How about tonight?”
Jiuhua grimaced. “Tonight is not a good time. Yu’er was just told by the physician to take some rest.”
“Is she okay?”
“Well, now that the doctor won’t let her go out, she’s bored.”
“How is her pregnancy going?”
“One more month and we will have the baby. So until then, I’m her errand boy.”
“You’re complaining to me but I know you love doing things for her.”
“Of course. I love her.”
Dieyi smiled. “I know. And Dieyi is happy for you too.”
“You think so? The real Dieyi will always have a special place in my heart. I will cherish her forever. But Yu’er is-”
“The love of your life. Your wife,” interjected Yiyi.
Tang Tang grinned. “Right.”
“Tell Yu’er I will visit her tomorrow.”
“That will cheer her up.”
“I’ll cook her favorite dish too.”
“Thank you Dieyi. About our get together, let’s do it next week. I heard from my father that he is sending Dugu and Ning Xiang back to the capital.”
Dieyi clapped her hands. “It’s decided then.”
“I have to go now or else my Nainai will scold me for making Yu’er wait long. And send word to the Diviner.” Jiuhua said as he hurriedly left the restaurant.
Dieyi shook her head as she watched her best friend leave. “Diviner! Tsk. He’s been the Crown Prince for years now.”

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