Sandwich - Chapter 8

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Jungkook woke up in a good mood, he doesn't remember how he reached home but he's sure his members helped him. Also, he had the best dream ever, he dreamed about Chaeyoung, and he got to kiss her. It felt so real that he still can feel the touch of their lips.

He left his room and went to the living area, where the members were.

Jk: Good morning everyone! he said with a bright smile, but his hyungs just glared at him frowning, their faces were dark as night, Did something happen? Why do you have such sulking faces?

Tae: Oh, there he is... did you sleep well Jk?

Jk: Yeah! The best!!! Jungkook said cheerfully, a bright smile plastering on his face remembering his dream, So, what happened?

Jimin: Seems like someone doesn't remember what he did last night... Jungkook looked confused

Jumin: Wha! Was the kiss so mind-blowing that you forgot everything?

Jk: The k-kiss?

Tae: Yes! The KISS! We thought you will eat out poor Chaeng...

Jk: I-I KISSED CHAENG!?!? He exclaimed, not believing in what his hyungs said, So it wasn't a dream? reality hitting him, and flashbacks coming to him like a wave

Jimin: Kissed? You were sucking her soul out!!! We needed to pull you from her!!!

Tae: She even passed out because of you, and not only Chaeng, Jennie passed out too...

Jimin: You traumatized us you know... Of course, you slept well, you were so proud of yourself, and on the way home, you were smiling like crazy and touching your lips... God! I have goosebumps remembering it... he shivered

Tae: Jungkook... is there something between you two?

Jungkook snapped from his thoughts and looked at him

Jk: There is nothing between us ... I just ... I dont know what got in me to do such a thing... it just came, maybe... maybe I just didn't want to lose... you know how I can be...

Tae: You better figure it out, don't fool around with her... Chaeyoung is very important to me... so dont hurt her. After that, he left, leaving Jungkook thinking about his next moves


Chaeyoung was sitting with Lisa in a private cafe near their apartment. Chaeyoung needed to meet with someone in the same region so, after several pleas from Lisa she agreed to go out with her till the person comes.

Two weeks passed since then and Chaeyoung avoided any meetings and outings, she spent all these days with her parents and thinking about...

Lisa: You think about him, don't you? she started getting tired of watching her play with the food

Chae: Lisa... if you are about to tease me again then... she tiredly spoke

Lisa: No, I'm not teasing you... it's just that I see something is bothering you... you didn't even touch your food, and that says a lot... Why dont you call and talk with him?

Chae: Nooo! Why would I? I was drunk, he was drunk, it was an impulse, I dont think it happened because he likes me or something...

Lisa: Why wouldn't he like you? You are amazing Chae! If I was a boy, I would have courted and dated you a long time ago...

Chae: Lisa stop! Hahaha, she smiled at her silliness, I just... I dont know, I dont want to make up things and get hurt in the end...

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