Was it love? - 4

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As she expected the party was awful, at least for her, but the thought that she'll meet his family, that she will get to know him better made her wait patiently. Then she felt Taehyung's hand on her shoulder, he kissed her temple and whispered in her ear

"It's okay! Ready?" she nodded and he led her towards a group of people, her heart was pounding hard, " Father," he addressed to a man in age, he was looking familiar to her, "This is Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung this is..."

" Minister Kim..." she finished for him, she could not believe her eyes, but why had she never heard about Taehyung being his son? The others were eying her from head to toes which made her feel uneasy

" Ah, you came..." he addressed Taehyung, then looked at her but kept silent, "Have you thought about my proposal?"

" I prefer to talk about it another time, in other circumstances..."

The ambiance becomes awkward, but it got diluted by someone's voice by a voice heard from behind

" Taehyung didn't see you in ages" seeing his face Chaeyoung recognized him, it was Kim Namjoon, a very known businessman and Minister Kim's son which is making him Taehyung's brother. They hugged each other, and she could feel that they genuinely are happy to meet

" And you are? " she could not answer

" This is Chaeyoung, my wife!" he said confidently and glanced at his father, the people who were there and heard him gasped, some women let out a chuckle

" Oh, nice to meet you! This is my wife Jisoo" only now Chaeyoung observed the gorgeous woman that was beside him, Chaeyoung gently shook her hand

" Tell us, what is your occupation, we need to know Taehyung's new favorite," one of the women asked, ignoring the tone of her voice and attitude she answered

"I'm a lawyer...!" she said in a tiny voice

" Really? Do you have a law firm? What is your family's business? she started bombarding her with questions

"I dont... I just finished my studies!"

" OMO! How young are you? And what does it mean you just finished your studies? " she kept irritating them, Chaeyoung wanted Taehyung to stop this nonsense but it was someone else who did it

" That's something you miss Young and your daughter will never know" his answer shocked them, even Taehyung got surprised, " If you are trying to find a workplace, it will be hard for you without connections..."

Everyone was left without words for a moment, but then a very beautiful woman approached them, Chaeyoung felt Taehyung's reaction, it was clear that he knows her

"Taehyung, nice to see you again!" she said with a smile appearing on her red lips

"Seolhyun..." he grated her getting startled when she hugged him, he pushed carefully her away, " Chaeyoung this is my... friend Seolhyun" the woman arched her brow and glanced at her, then it hit her

" I am sorry, I didn't mean anything like that... I just missed my old friend" she flashed a smile

Chaeyoung returned her smile, but she was feeling odd, she was praying for all of this to end quickly

"Taehyung, can I talk a minute with your ... wife?" the attention was dragged towards him, Taehyung nodded although he felt skeptical at first

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