Bad Boys Prefers Good Girls - 1

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Park Chaeyoung has everything planned

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Park Chaeyoung has everything planned. She knows for sure what she wants to do and achieve and Jeon Jungkook is one of those.

She is 21 years and is the hottest and most talked-about girl on campus. But you will want to think twice before crossing her pat or staying between her and the choice of her heart.

And it's not because of her brother who is keeping in fear half of the country, no, it's because she can be scary herself.

Jeon Jungkook is the crush of everyone, he is the embodiment of the typical bad guy you usually meet in the books and movies, like literally. He comes to university just so he won't get expelled and have fun with some random girl which later will be dragged to hell by Chaeyoung.

He has known Chaeyoung since she was 16 years old and become friends with her older brother Park Jimin, dealing with his business while he is out of the country.

That's why you will often see him surrounded by random people who are coming to sort out things.

Park Jimin is the head of the Park clan, a house that is doing the dirty work for the government, he got this title when he was 22 years old after a group of gangs assaulted their mansion and took the lives of their parents.

Chaeyoung being his only sister and family means all the world for him.

There's a law for everyone, Never fall for Parks looks, they may look soft but are deadly dangerous.

But enough about this, let's get to the biggest problem of Park Chaeyoung, and it's not her grades it's Jeon Jungkook and her attempts to make him fall for her.

It's not like they are on bad terms, not at all, Jungkook and Chaeyoung are close friends, they spend a lot of time together, but she wants more than to be his friend, she loves him and Jungkook is well aware of her feelings, he just ignores it.

Chaeyoung never was insecure, she was sure that Jungkook sooner or later will reciprocate her feelings, but with the appearance of the new girl Jungkook was spending less and less time with her, and Chaeyoung feels that her patience is fading away and she might end this girl right here in the university canteen, although she promised to Jungkook that she won't touch her. She couldn't refuse him when he looked at her with his beautiful eyes, yes, she is that whipped for him.

Chae: I don't get it, what is he seeing in her? I mean, I am pretty and fun, and rich and hot... She said while looking at Jungkook who was sitting with the new girl Sana

 She said while looking at Jungkook who was sitting with the new girl Sana

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