Was it love? - Bonus

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I've decided to write a bonus part for this story...

Warning ⚠️ mature content in this one! I'll put a warning sign if you want to skip it!

For Chaeyoung, breaking up with Taehyung was a life-changing momentum. 

Work was that refuge that helped her escape from the pain, days and nights she worked to become someone, to be a strong woman who would never break down ever again...

After four years, Chaeyoung became one of the best lawyers in the country, she put her blood and tears into everything she did. 

Now everyone knows who she is, the "Guardian angel of idols," as the press calls her, she was a hero in the eyes of the public, because she wasn't afraid to challenge anyone as long as she was sure that her client is innocent. 

She has helped many artists escape their "slave contracts", if she took your case then you'll win for sure, there is no other option.

Chaeyoung finally started to forget all the pain, she started to heal, she was a busy woman doing her favorite job.

Entering her office she heard her assistant Yujin arguing with someone

" Miss I told you already, Ms. Park didn't come yet, plus she will not receive you without a prior appointment..."

Chaeyoung walked in to look at the intruder and the source of her assistant frustration, there she saw a young lady, she was clothed in a bodycon dress showing off her curves and giving the vibes of a hysterical type of woman.

" What is going on? "

" Miss Park, I tried to stop her..."

" Please help me! It's a matter of life and death..." she pleaded and Chaeyoung agreed to listen to her

" I hope you know I am helping only if the client is innocent..."

The woman gulped and nodded, they were currently in Chaeyoung's cabinet, and she wants to end it soon

" My name is Choi Suwon, I am a singer, you might hear about me..."

" Miss Choi, for what do you need my help?" She cut her off not wanting to waste her time

" I want to sue for harassment, threats, and sexual assault ..." she said in one go her voice was cold, Chaeyoung who was checking her files stopped and looked up at her...

 " That's a serious accusation... and, who is the culprit?"

" Kim Taehyung..."

There was silence, Chaeyoung didn't hear this name since then, she made herself a promise that she won't interfere with him ever again, that's why she better refuse this one...

" I am afraid I can't help you..."

" Miss Park, please don't refuse me... You are my only hope" she stopped her and pleaded, her eyes let out a tear that she wiped away so as not to destroy her makeup, that's when Chaeyoung saw on her finger a very familiar ring, it was her fake engagement ring...

She doesn't know what got in her, maybe it was hatred or it was jealousy, why is she even thinking about this? Why did she remember those moments? He's willing to do anything with this ring... It is not hers anymore...

" What happened exactly?" her voice was low, her face darkened

" I met him at one of those sponsored parties... He approached me... Then he suggested getting more intimate, and I accepted..." she bit her lip then continued, " but then after he slept with me he, ..., he pushed me away and said to get lost..."

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