Bad Boys Prefers Good Girls - 3

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Everyone on campus knows that Park Chaeyoung's parties are the best. Firstly, because she organizes her parties in the most elite clubs, her house is a personal place that is open only to loved ones, and secondly, well, who doesn't like to have fun at someone else's expense? That's why the club was crowded, everyone having fun.

Chaeyoung was enjoying her night, she dressed nicely and made herself beautiful as always, she was very excited about the party, because Jungkook wasn't in the uni and she missed him. She wanted to talk with him about their last encounter, about the short kiss, and her feelings, but seeing him right now made her stop. Jungkook was sitting on the couch with his drink in hand, sipping slowly and looking in one direction, he was spacing out.

She knows Lisa will kill her if she'll see her being soft for him, she can't help herself, she loves him. After she told her about the events that happened that day, Lisa warned her that something isn't right, and to guard her heart. 

But Jungkook is her friend in the first place, she can't see him sulking like that. So she sit next to him and smiled warmly at him.

Chae: Hey, is something wrong? he remained silent, she got closer and leaned her head on his shoulder, We are friends remember? If you have problems or if something is bothering you, I will listen, and always be by your side, like our promise... you are precious to me... Kook... I, she wanted to confess, but right at this moment she got interrupted

Chan: Hey guys! Do you still want us here?

Chae: Us? she raised her head to look who it was, Oh! You decided to come, got bored of your books?

Jungkook looked up and saw Sana, she was looking great, totally different from what he usually sees her at university, sensing her eyes he straightened his posture, making Chaeyoung release his shoulder.

Sana: Well, unlike you I need to study to get my grades... she attacked, they didn't expect her to act like that, well Sana didn't expect to be able to talk like that too, but she wanted so badly to prove to Chaeyoung that she was strong.

Chae: What did you, just, said? she was furrowing, she understood what she meant, it's not like she doesn't hear what they talk behind her back

Chan: Sana... calm down, you are not yourself...

Sana: Why would I? Everyone talks about it, that you are getting high grades because you sleep with the teachers...

Chaeyoung was staying silent, she was expecting that Jungkook would say a word, she turned to him

Sana: You expect him to defend you? Too sad, no one likes you, even Jungkook, what even about your brother who flew away from your bitchy attitude...

It was the last straw, she stood up and jumped on Sana ready to beat her ass, but Jungkook was fast enough to stop her.

Chae: Let me go!!! I will beat the shit out of her!!! she was trying to get out of his grip

Jk: Lisa!!! Where are you? Come and calm her down, Lisa got here in a second, and you, he pointed a Sana, let's go and talk! saying it he got through Chan grabbed her by the hand and took her away

It was good that they were separated from the others on the second floor, where no one saw and heard them, or it would have been a big gossip.

Lisa: Chaeng? Please calm down, dont let her win... You are the greatest, she doesn't deserve your attention... hugging her she was caressing her back

Chae: You are wrong... she's not a goodie at all...

Chan: I am sorry for her behavior... Sana, she's really nice, but today something got in her...

Lisa: Then I guess you dont know your friend that well, she has some issues...

Chae: Where is Jungkook? I want to talk with him... freeing herself from Lisa's embrace, she headed for the exit

Lisa: Chaeng... let him... you need to think about yourself... he didn't even defend you... Why do you keep chasing after him?

Chae: You know damn well why Lisa... she stopped and answered not looking back

Lisa: Chaeng... this is an obsession already, you need help... Chaeyoung ignored her words and left to find Jungkook


Chaeyoung almost gave up when she couldn't find him, but as she passed one of the private rooms, she heard a voice, it was them

Jk: Why did you say that? Are you crazy? If I didn't stop her, you would be in the hospital now! You are not like this... they were shouting at each other

Sana: I just wanted to show her that I am strong! She always looks down on everyone...

Jk: You dont know her...

Sana: Plus, she interrupted him, You said that you like me, then why did you... Chaeyoung didn't hear after this a think, and she hopes that the silence isn't because of what she is assuming...

Getting herself brave and taking a deep breath she opened the door, and to her biggest fear and disappointment, she saw them here in each other's embrace, kissing...

Chae: Oh My God! she exclaimed in pain, Jungkook pulled out from the kiss, and turning to her direction he meet with her teary eyes. Sana saw her pain too, it was like she was seeing a totally different person

Jk: Chae... You knew about my feelings...

Chae: What about mines? Why did you give me hope then? Why did you kiss me? she was waiting for his answer, but then she broke, even more, when the realization hit her

Chae: You... You used me... You used me to get her jealous... You saw them that day and decided to play with my heart to get her fucking jealous!!! she was a crying mess, Sana was glued in place watching them

Jk: Chaeyoung...

Chae: All these years you knew about my feelings... why can't you love me? she was desperate to know, I ... I will stop drinking, and partying, I will be a good girl ...

Jk: I dont deserve you, okay? You need someone better than me! here he is, he said it, I made you a cold person, malicious,... you even give up on your dream...

Chae: You dont deserve me? And she does? What are you talking about Jungkook ... Dont decide what is better for me!!! When everything I need is you... she was waiting for him to say something

Jungkook just kept silent, he approached Sana, took her hand, and went with her towards the door,

Jk: I am sorry... but I like her... throwing these words at her, they left the room

Chae: Nooo! Jungkook... dont leave me... she collapsed down in tears and once again Lisa found her best friend in tears and with a broken heart.

Later that night, after Lisa managed to calm her down and make her sleep, she took the phone and dialed a number, the only solution she knew...

: Yes Lisa, what happened? the voice on the other side of the receiver was very serious

Lisa: Jimin... she needs help...

Jimin: Dont worry, I sent the cure to Korea, it will arrive soon, keep me notified...

Lisa put down the phone and looked one last time a Chaeyoung's sleeping body... she won't let her be hurt again...

!!!! Another chapter is done!
Sorry for the mistakes, if you find one, please tell me!!!
Thank you for reading!!!!

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