One night -1

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It was a normal night, a weekend night like any other ... Jungkook, as usual, joined his group of friends at one of their nightclubs.

Jimin: "Hey Jungkook, why so gloomy? " asked one of his friends, putting his hand on his shoulder, he wanted to cheer him up.

Jk: "Just tired..." he smiled sadly and drank the glass Jimin offered

Jimin: "Still thinking about that bitch?" He earned a glance from Jungkook, "Sorry not sorry! You know by yourself that she was..." he stopped seeing that Jungkook wasn't having it, "Look Jk, you are 28, spending time in clubs and getting drunk will not do you any good, you should find a good girl and settle down, and trust me, there are good girls..."

Jk: " Maybe you should settle down first?"

Jimin: " Unlike you, I have a long-term relationship with my babe, you can't relate... Soon I will propose to her!"

Tae: "What are you guys talking about? That bitch again?" he ignored Jungkook's scoff and continued joining them on the sofa, " For God's sake Jk, it has been 4 years already... She probably stunk into some old bag and is milking his money..."

Jimin: "Or something else... "

Jk: "Can you guys stop it already? I am not thinking about her, okay? She is a past period! " he said annoyed and took another shot

Tae: "Really? Then you won't mind going to that, blond, hot chick and taking her for a ride?" he wiggled his eyebrows and pointed in the direction of a group of girls, who were having fun

Jungkook looked in that direction, about 6-7 girls were dancing wildly and smiling loudly, though there was not only one blonde girl, it was three, but Taehyung said "a hot blonde", so Jungkook examined them all, till his eyes landed on a specific one. She was tall, with an hourglass type of figure and a breathtaking smile, she was gorgeous and totally hot. She was looking drunk, almost like she was on high... but that wasn't making her least charming.

Jk: "I'll do it!" he emptied his glass and got up from the sofa

Tae: "That's my boy!!! Hey Jk!", he threw him a key and winked, "The room is ready!"

Maybe he shouldn't have approached her, seeing that she was drunk, but she's here to have fun, isn't she?

As he was going near her, Jungkook saw a suspicious dude pushing her towards him and touching her inappropriately, she was trying to push him away. Jungkook didn't like it at all, although he doesn't know her, and wanted to get closer to her too, he wasn't planning to do something without her consent. He quickly got to her, pushed that dude away, and back hugged her protectively.

Jk: "Hey babe! Having fun?" he made it seem like he is her boyfriend.

"Jay? What are you doing here? It was supposed to be my night..." she was mumbling something, unclear to him, but God, her voice was something else.

The guy that was pestering her, got scared and he looked questionably over them at someone, then left...

Jk: "You Okay?" he asked in her ear, she turned around and suddenly leaned her head on his chest, making him stiff

"Yeah, Thank you... mhm, you smell nice..." he could hear her giggle but then she raised her head and whispered in his ear, "I feel so hot ..." her breath made his skin burn, he could feel that her body was becoming more seductive and burning, he gulped

Jk: " Do you want to get out of here?" she nodded " Come!" he took her hand and led her toward the room Taehyung prepared for him

The next thing Jungkook remembers is her underneath him, squirming and saying how aroused she is, he was kissing her hungrily with fervor, marking all her skin. She was moaning and responding to all his touches, she looked in need, almost possessed. Soon, the club's room got filled with their groans and cries, and Jungkook lost control, he was too caught up, he couldn't get enough of her.

He was no longer caring that he doesn't know her name and that she, maybe, was too drunk, he was drunk too, of her voice, moans, and the way her body was perfect for him... Their naked bodies were moving in sync, their lips never leaving each other, if only to catch a breath.

Jungkook could say that it was the best night in his entire life, too bad it was only a one-night stand and in a place like this, but it was too late already... 

They were so preoccupied with each other that they didn't see how the door got opened sightly and someone recorded their act...

A new story!
I hope you guys will like it!
Sorry for all the mistakes!
I hope you enjoyed it!

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