Chapter 5: Adopted

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(Y/n)s POV

"(Y/n) Scamander!"

Wait what?!

The whole great hall waited in anticipation as McGonagall looked at the crowd waiting for me

I walked to the front as Harry's words were silenced by my confusion. I looked to the professor McGonagall, she held a curious look but still held a professional glance

I climbed on the stool to sit down as the talking hat was placed on my head

"Hmm very interesting you have the heart of a Hufflepuff but the mind of the Slytherin yet there is some outspoken of bravery from you and clever as a Ravenclaw this is a bit of a challenge.....yet between your kind words and dark desires you propose on your mind you are tricky on the middle of bad or good better be .."


As the whole gryffindor table cheered with some claps from the other tables accompanied with the cheers I sat down and tried to watch the rest of the ceremony but I was confused all time confused

What the hell does he mean?

Does my dad have his muggle and wizard last name mixed"

Am I full wizard... a pureblood?!

Is he a double agent?

All of these thoughts were broken were Harry, Ron and Hermoine snapping me out of it

"(Y/n) are you alright" Harry asked worriedly

"Uh yeah I'm fine" I lied but I think Harry knew that and gave me some time to think for myself as I was still dazed by the news

"So your related to Newt Scamander one of the most experienced wizards in the 18-19th century" said Hermione

"Who?I don't know the Scamander bloodline, or what's a scamander" I questioned as Hermoine nodded

"Well.. he is a Magi Zoologist he used to work for the Ministry of Magic until he followed his passion for creatures and beasts a-

"Is he still alive?" I interfered as Hermoine looked annoyed that I Interrupted her but continued

"Yes but people aren't sure where he is, he is very secretive with his location"

"Wait.... is he my Grandfather? Then who's the family I'm with..."

"We barely met, yet your family sounds complicated" stated Ron as Hermoine continued on eating as Harry still looked at me, I knew he was wondering how I felt

"I- I need to process this later, barely a day here and now I'm getting news that I might be lied about my family" I muttered and played with the peas that I had on my plate

As I looked up I was met with the sight of Ron annihilating the food he picked up

"Really dedicated Eater aren't you?"

"Hm?" He questioned while still having bits off food in his mouth

"Nevermind, what's your story" I questioned as he cleaned himself up

"Well I'm in a big family, have five older brothers, and a little sister, my parents are quite home influenced, but my dad works in the Ministry for Muggle Artifacts. . . .speaking of, are you a muggle?" He asked as I thought about it

"Well.... I'm not sure. I literally got the news that I'm from either a different family or the same with . . . Weird Affairs"


"Like one of Mum's soap operas, doesn't it George?"

"Except less messed up"

Two red headed boys spoke as Ron grumbled annoyed, while I was suprised at the energy these two showed

■The Prophecy Of the Wizarding Beast■ (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now