Chapter 41: The Second Task

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Third POV

"See if your child will be revealed now!"

Two wizards in robes circled a woman with bruises along her face and wand broken in two as she still held a face of fight

"Leave him out of this! Please I beg of you" she pleaded as one wizard kicked her in the stomach

"Worthless Blood Traitor" he sneered and took out his wand



(Y/n) awoke sweating abit as his body trembled by the cold that arrived on his skin

Okay second time a nightmare appereard what the hell is going on

He thought annoyed as he opened his curtains a bit grabbed the book that Moody offered him

"Lumos" he whispered and began to silently read


Startled, he opened his curtains to see Harry also awake sweating aswell most likely having the same problem as him

"Oh.. hey Harry" he said awkwardly as both boys still haven't talked properly about The Yule Ball dating incident

"What are you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same"

"Nightmare, you"

". . . . Also a nightmare" he replied embarrassed on what he was going for in the conversation

"About what?"

"A woman... I didn't see her face but her screams were impeded in me, its familiar yet. . I don't remember, what about you" he asked Harry

"I was looking through the eyes of someone, he walked through a house, I saw Peter Pettigrew and a man kneeling to someone. . . I think its. . .it's..

"Him" (Y/n) breathed out as he looked up at Harry

"You don't think he's back do you?"

"No.. we killed-

"You mean you killed him, I don't think I should take credit from someone bravery" he added as Harry was annoyed at the interruption

"I killed him, and the diary he was in. That should be behind us from now, I think we should go back to sleep, we have Potions tomorrow" he stated dryly laying back on his bed leaving (Y/n) abit anxious

"Goodnight then"

"Night" Harry replied coldly, leaving
(Y/n) guilty for doubting that Riddle was even alive, yet a small part of him wasn't so sure of it, but that would soon be a mind flip for the upcoming days

. . . . . . . . . . .

Teacher at Hogwarts a Giant?
By Rita Skeeter

The Magical Care and Beasts class has been confessed that the teacher is a giant! With this mind there comes the question if the Teacher is capable to harm its students, with those huge brains that were built for battle? That is up for society to decide.

That little twat should keep her mouth shut

(Y/n) thought as he was library reading the newspaper as it has been awhile since Harry and Ron had a friendly conversation and wasn't sure how he was going to break the ice between them

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