Chapter 10: Christmas and Mirror's, and Stones

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This will be my first Christmas far from home as I would spend it here at Hogwarts which I'm not sure how they spend it here, I already bought presents beforehand as I wanted to buy the things before they sold out

We were in the great hall full of Christmas decorations as professor flitwick was decorating the tree with ornaments, as Ron and Harry were playing an intense game of Wizards chess, as I watched studying Ron's moves as he beats anybody at it I wanted to see his strategy

Until Hermoine arrived with a suitcase

"Queen to E5" Ron answered as his queen hit Harry's peice

"That's totally barbaric

"That's wizards chess" ron replied

"I've seen you pack"

"I see you haven't"

Both argued as Harry played with the peices as I listened to their quarreling

"Good, you can help (Y/n) and harry then, they're going to go to the library and research about Nicholas Flamel"

'But we looked there 100 times" ron complained

"Not in the restriction section, Happy Christmas" she said and left halfway strutting as Ron rolled his eyes

"It think were a bad influence on her" he whispered

"You think, Ronald" I snarked and walked up and off

We all then headed to the library to try and find anything on Nicholas Flamel but nothing came up short but books of other lesser known wizards that I found interesting but Ron shut me up about

I went to the common room in defeat as the others decide to keep going with the research

"Why is it that any famous wizard is written so low about?!" I muttered to myself

. . . . . . . . . .

I woke up to ron waking us up as it was Christmas I reluctantly got out of bed to head in the common room, Yup even on Christmas I don't like to be woken up we walked out and look down at ron with enthusiasm written on his face, as he was wearing a red sweater with an R in the middle

"What are you wearing" harry questioned

"My mom made it looks like she made you one for you two as well" he replied

"Why me I've never even met her" I questioned

"I might have told her how you defended me against Malfoy and she gave you this as a token of her appreciation" if that didn't make my heart warm I don't know what did

"I've got presents" harry exclaimed with a smile

As ron nodded, and harry ran to the tree to see what he got while I walked down and sat on one of the seats

As Harry opened his first gift it looked to be some sort of cloak but as he put it around his body, it turned out to be an invisibility cloak that used to belong to his dad

We then open up the rest of our gifts as I wore the sweater Ron's mom gave me as I also received some new spell books from Hermoine, some candies from Ron, and a Quidditch sweatshirt from Harry, and Hargrid gifted me a panther statue, and I also received a gift from my grandparents which was my grandfather's notes on creatures he encountered around the world, and my last gift was from Draco which was odd because Draco and I weren't friends, sure we talked from time but for him to give me something seemed strange but good at the same time I opened it to see a silver necklace with a green emerald in the middle there was also a note attached to it

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