Chapter 49: Dumbledores Army

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Third POV

"Did you really need hot chocolate? We could've gotten some after the meeting," stated Harry to (Y/n), who had a cup brewed of the warm sweet chocolate drink in hand as he wore layers of sweaters beneath his body

"Any winter season is a definite yes to my drink, Harry Potter. And besides, I like to think that this is my coffee, " he explained as Ron came beside him

"Well, you might want to drink it quickly. Many students will rush to get one, and I don't want a line before I get some, " stated Ron as Hermoine pushed in on the group

"Well, we better get there quickly, I arranged the meeting for them to be early, I don't want them to think we're late," ushered Hermoine as she led the three boys

"Right. . . . But who'd want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember"

"Look on the bright side. You can't be any worse than old toad face"

"RON! Give the toad some decency, my guy!" Exclaimed (Y/n) fistbumping Ron as Hermoine rolled her eyes

"See! We're here for you, mate, " Ron said supportively as Harry slightly smiled, appreciating the words of encouragement

"Who's meeting with us then? Asked Harry

"Just a couple of people," said Hemione as they stood in front of Hogshead opening the door to the bar to see the broken down place holding some disgusting spots that seemed to either leak or stained

"Lovely Spot," muttered Ron, noticing the dead mouse under a chair as a random goat started to sniff it

"Well. . . They have a petting zoo at least," murmurs (Y/n) as they walked through the unsanitary place and went to the designated room where a whole lot of students were waiting for them which included the majority of Gryffindor few Ravenclaws, and a sprinkle of Hufflepuffs and no Slytherins

They sat on the front where all eyes were on them as an uncomfortable silence surrounded them

"Um... Hi. So you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts" explained Hermoine as the tye students looked at one another

"Why?" One of them asked

"Why? Because You know Who is back you tosspot" Ron Spat

"So he says,"

"So Dumbledore says," he corrected

"So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is where's the proof?" One boy questioned

"Potter and Scamander can tell us what happened, on how Diggory got killed. . ."

"After all, Scamander has been stated to harbor him, If that were true," stated a Hufflepuff

(Y/n) sat up as Harry was ready to reel his friend back in from causing a commotion

"I have an idea that you are taking information from the Ministry with a grain of salt on Cedric Diggory, which is likely that you will take answers from Harry since you aswell trust him abit more . . . But now is a meeting on a group, not a club on retelling trauma. You knitwits" (Y/n) Spat as he made the boys shut their mouths and sat back
his arms

"Alright, let's go they're here because they think I'm sort of a freak," Harry whispered to Hermoine

"Harry, we're not leaving -

"Is it true that Harry can produce a Patronus Charm?" Asked Luna

"He certainly has" (Y/n) stated proudly

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