Chapter 24: Sirius Black?

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Another day and another year for me to stay at Hogwarts Grounds. Personally I hadn't had the slightest idea on what made so special for this perk but I didn't complain

It had been boring to stay at Hogwarts as an alone student, but with the House Elves that still stuck around the School Grounds made it abit more bearable, sometimes I see Dobby time from time helping serve around the kitchen

But now that the Year is starting I was hanging out with Hagrid in his hut as he told me of his excitement of teaching Care of Magical Creatures even telling me some of the creatures we would learn

Though the thing I was upset more was after the Chamber of Secrets I was told that (S/n) wouldn't be able to be with me at Hogwarts due to his growing size. Thankfully Hagird managed to accommodate my snake to get rid of a invasive species such as the Billywig and let him live in the Forbidden Forest. But I vist from time to time

"No to sound threatening o some'ing but Hippogriffs ar'e the challenge in this class" explained Hagrid

"Hippogriffs? You mean those huge bird hybrid horse creatures?"

"Yup, I manage to aquire one" he chuckled as he went to put on a pot to make tea. I put my cup down to notice the Daily Prophet on the table, I brought it to me and saw the Front Page

Escaped From Azkaban!
Sirius Black Beware!

"Wha you got ther'e (Y/n)?" Hagrid asked

"A news section dedicated to someone named Sirius Black. They even got the name involved in muggle news" I replied nonchalantly finding it sort of humorous but the same cannot be said for Hagrids expression

"Sirius Black? (Y/n) Sirius Black is the one the most psychotic killers, an not only that, but he was found that he killed thirtee'n muggles an his best friend Peter Pettigrew" he stated as I felt goosebumps rise throughout my skin

"Oh Merlin..."

"Bu the travesty is how he gave up the safe house location to you know who and cause the murde'r Lily and James Pottter" he stated furious

"Potter? Black revealed Harry's Parents location?!" I said in shock, Hagrid simply nodded as I saw his fists curl

"The day you know who vanished, I was assigned to bring Harry to his Uncl' and Aunt's place, I saw Black in the steps of the Home, and wanted to take Harry but I refuse since the tas'k was fer  Dumbledores orders. And I stupidly comforted the murder'in traitor and let him go" said Hagrid as I was shocked

"I tell ya if I'd  known it was Black who revealed it, I would've teared him from limb- to-limb"  he growled

I never knew how intimidating Hagrid looked as he usually wass calm as giant marshmallow but now looked like a hungry beast that urged for bloodlines to erase

Hagrid took a breath and gave apologetic look

"I'd be sorry for the profane language, but Sirus Black is one man I've never would hol' back from" he replied sternly as I simply nodded afraid to make the half giant more angry

"Besides my ramblin,, I have news"

"News. . . What News?" I asked

"Well your Animagu is already been reveale to mos' of people, and the Ministry including You know who also knows about your Animaugus which now blows a cover on you . . . Which means you are now the eight registered animagus" he explained

"Eight?. . . Are Animaugus's rare or what?" I asked curiously

"Not really, Alot more people are animaugus, but don want The Ministry of Magic to find out" he clarified which made me think why alot of other people would want to hide their animal forms

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