Advice 21: Being the non-judgemental, accepting friend

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Being non-judge mental and accepting

I've tried to tell myself in my head that I am humble and that I hardly judge. But is that true though? I was reflecting in my journal to God, and praying about humility, and I realized that there are situations where I have been judgmental and non-accepting and I believe that stems from pride. It stems from forgetting the mistakes that you've made and the fact that you're an imperfect human too, who has only been made righteous by Jesus Christ, not your own works. I was thinking about how I want to be the friend that if my friend messes up they can come to me and talk about it without being scared that I'll judge them. However, I started thinking that I'm not sure if I am that friend yet, based on certain circumstances in the past. I may not judge with words but I tend to judge passive aggressively with looks or in my mind. Then, I realized that in the past, and maybe even now, I would constantly judge myself throughout the day, saying stuff like, "what's wrong with me," "why's my voice so deep? I sound like a man." But how do I want to be accepting and non-judgemental towards others when I can't even accept stuff about myself that I can't change? I think becoming that accepting, non judgemental friend, who speaks the truth in love like Jesus did, starts with realizing that we are wonderfully made by God and we have flaws and sins that he's forgiven us for just like he has the other person. So we shouldn't be hard on them or look down on ourselves or others but correct people in love for things that might be hurting them or others and to love them as they are for things that they cannot change. This is something God is still helping me with so it would mean a lot if you prayed for me too and don't be scared to leave prayers in the comments ;)

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