Advice 1: You don't have to be like the world

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"For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?" (Luke 9:25)

This verse sticks out to me because I think often times we sugarcoat the gospel or compromise our faith just because we want to be liked by others. We can change ourselves and try to act more interesting than we are just to be liked. It's normal to want to be liked, that's just how we were made. We all have this space in our hearts that can only be filled with Gods love. Some try to feel it with the things of this world like drugs, money, alcohol, and the worst one, with people. These things can never satisfy you like Jesus can. The reason why I say the worst thing you can complete yourself with is another person is because the other person is just as imperfect as you. They cannot fix you, what would it profit you if you gain them and then loose yourself? James 4:4 says that friendship with the world is enmity with God. Matthew 5:14 says we are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. These verses just show that God wants us to be different. He wants us to be a "light" in the world. That is we should be the ones encouraging people to love each other, spreading the gospel, fighting for injustice, and just doing what is right. If we don't do it, that's when the world decides to get involved and then we complain when they do it in a way that we don't agree with.

You don't need to be scared of not fitting in especially if you're reading this and you're still in high school. I just got out of high school and it literally flies by so fast and that's the end. Don't change yourself or compromise your faith for people you might never see again, it's not worth it. You need to define who you are and find your worth in God. Pray to God that he'll help you care less about what others think. I know it's very hard I've struggled with it too, it's normal but it can get better. Don't gain the whole world and then loose yourself! Jesus loves you too much for you to do that. Pm me if you need to talk❤️

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