Advice 24: You don't have to be who the world says is beautiful in order to...

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You don't have to be who the world says is beautiful in order to find someone

Although I have not found someone yet, this is something that came to me while I was journaling to God:

I would often get worried about not being able to find the right person, or of no one wanting to date me because I don't meet the worlds standards of beauty or of an interesting person. However, I now realize that I'm not trying to date someone who goes by the worlds standards and just wants someone who makes them look nice, because that's shallow. I'm trying to date someone who wants to have a relationship with Christ at the center and wants to love me the way I deserve because they see the good qualities that God has given me. So date someone who values you and appreciates all the good qualities you have to bring. You have gifts that God has given you, we all have, and the right person will see them and value them. Whoever doesn't value them is not the right person or they don't have good taste. But if God wants you with someone, then it will happen at his time. You don't have to be who the world says is beautiful or interesting in order to find someone.

12/5/2021 at 1:46 am

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