14. Seoul again

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I looked out of the window and then beside me where Taehyung was sleeping soundly . I sighed and laid my head back trying to catch sleep as well . But just then I heard someone shout from the back . " This man right here is sick ! He is planning on killing people !" A women screamed and got up from her seat . 

Another man who was just sitting beside him maybe her husband held her forearm trying to make her sit down . The flight attendant quickly reached her seat and spoke up " what happened miss ? " ; " I heard that t-this man was ordering to kill someone while he was talking on his phone . " She held the arms of the already panicked flight attendant . The man who she was pointing looked scared , shocked and helpless . 

The noise made Taehyung also awake and the other's as well  . Jungkook's doe eyes stared at me for a second . He was sitting in front of me and Seokjin was beside him . At our back Yoongi sat along with Hae-won . Currently we are in our flight back to Seoul . " Ma'am what are you saying " The air hosteress asked the lady but then the lady started to laugh loudly taking everyone off guard . 

The other man quickly pushed her back down on the seat and spoke " I'm so sorry she is a bit mentally unstable and talking about this man he was playing a shooting game with someone . I am soo sorry for the unconveinience " The man apologized . " Oh ok , Take care " The attendant said and went away .  

Now that everyone in the flight was awake just because of some misunderstanding . I sighed and tried to sleep again . Not soon after that I really fell asleep . 




" wake up princess " I was awaken by someone shooking me . My eyes opened as I saw Taehyung standing with his infamous smile . " I'm awake " I spoke and got up . We had reached Seoul finally . Taehyung was still being cringey that  he has been since the day we returned from the hotel in Jeju . 

But again Jungkook's words From the last day on the beach came to my mind . 

" Maybe he is trying to be all sweet for you but you know he can't do that so he's struggling " 

I guess Jungkook is right so I am handling all this . I have to at least . If he is really trying to be a good sweet brother and replacing his cold self . I am very happy but I'm still not really sure.

Ever since that day Taehyung hasn't really showed that cold self but affectionate self which is a bit weird . I mean Jungkook is also always sweet and kind but he is not scary . But the way Taehyung talks is a bit scary . He is like ordering me all the time in a sweet way  . 

All of us went outside where 3 cars were waiting for us . One was for Seokjin , One for The Min siblings  and the other for the 3 of us .

The ride was silent just that Taehyung continousely stared at me making me uncomfortable . I couldn't really help it so I just ignored him which was hard . As soon as we reached the house I got out of the car and ran inside . " we're back ! " Jungkook and I shouted together chuckling . Th maids smiled as they welcomed us . 

All of us headed to our respective rooms and freshened up . 

We have school from tomorrow . So I started setting my things up . Later on I was called for dinner and we all ate together . 



The next morning I woke up and got ready for the school . 

my cloths . 

Then I  went downstairs to have my breakfast with the other 2 . 

Jungkook and Taehyung drove together as they had some work on the way where the driver took me to school alone . At the school I was met by Hae-won who was just wondering around . " Hye-in-ah ! Wassup !" She asked energetically . 

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